IT’S OFFICIAL: President Trump Formally Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

So, in your mind all the FAILURES of past presidents who were never tough enough on North Korea showed compassion for Koreans but the success in getting Kim to halt nuclear weapons testing and missile launching, PLUS the sanctions Trump was able to get even the Chinese to impose was somehow BAD for Koreans??

That’s an incredible point of view. If Trump is able to actually HALT NK nuclear production and ease tensions between the North and the South that will BY FAR be the BEST thing that ever happened to all Koreans - certainly heads and tails above any past efforts by any other presidents whose FAILURES have gotten us to the brink of NK having the capability of a first strike that could kill millions of people in seconds.

Ronald Reagan similarly “Forrest Gumped” the Soviets into submission by being too tough with them, according to all the brilliant libs who castigated him too, and were more than willing to leave the Soviets to continue their intransigence all over Eastern Europe and wherever else they could.

Now MILLIONS are freed from Soviet oppression. Was that NOT good for them?

The ONLY thing that could ever prevent the possibility that millions of Koreans AND millions of Americans would never be killed by a NK nuke is the total END to NK having nukes. Most Americans understand that.


Stop worshiping the snake oil salesman Marky, it’s embarrassing. And pathetic.

And wake up and smell the coffee. As usual, Trump isn’t going to actually do anything productive. China is acting because unlike you, they recognize that Trump is a danger to the world.

If anything actually comes of this it is President Xi of China that you can thank.

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Yeah, because he was SO ON BOARD trying to do anything before Trump.


Xi finally was confronted by a president who wasn’t making sneaky promises to be more receptive AFTER the next election. When he spoke tough, he really meant it.

Funny, but when you believe someone, you actually have to act, instead of make lip-service. Xi believed Trump.

Whether you like it or not, there is VALUE in being believed when you talk tough.


If Nordth Korea denukes and Trump gets us into a war with Iran does he still deserve a peace prize? What a load of crap this whole thing is. Literally NOTHING has happened yet on the Korean peninsula other than talking.

The two are not intertwined. If Trump’s actions lead to the end of the Korean War, a complete de-nuke of North Korea and a rapprochement between the two Koreas he will of course deserve a peace prize - period.

As for starting a war with the United States, Iran is not that stupid, without a nuke to cause us to lose millions in one blow. That’s the whole point of stopping them - and North Korea - form getting one in the first place - so that tiny dictators cannot dictate to us or our allies.


Looks like a little skullduggery going on with Trump’s nomination.

Ahhh……the Korean War has been over for 60+ years. Just because the paper hasn’t been signed by this time is immaterial at this point.

He’s not stopping them (Iran) he’s creating the circumstances that almost guarantee they start up their nuclear program again.

No, you miss the point. The fact that it has been at a stalemate is why Noth Korea and we and South Korea have had to be so armed and prepared for a resumption of war; it is why trade and cultural cross-currents have been stunted. Getting an official END to the war will be huge for both countries.

Ask THEM how important an end to the war is.


No he didn’t STOP them on this day. You’re right.


He is going to make a better deal that both stops their nuclear ambitions and also stops their missile development and lastly also hopefully stops their regional adventures at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives.

Give it time. Rome wasn’t built with a statement.


must have been the Russians

No peace treaty is going to be signed. It’s too much about how the Kim’s keep hold of power and justify crappy conditions in NK. Dahh

You can argue that if anything, getting a peace treaty cements Kim’s power, as in he’s the guy who stopped the war, finally, and they need him to keep the peace.

What Kim will NEED from us is an assurance that we have no interest in deposing him. Once he believes that all things are possible.


I know all of that to be true and once again you’e just trolling.

Giving it to Obama was a fraud.

Trump has been pressuring Xi to get a grip on Kim since he was first elected. It was one of his biggest and earliest priorities

Of course he was widely castigated for the “Golf Summit” that was guaranteed to go nowhere.

My how times change…

3 more Americans being held hostage by Kim are about to be released. They are finalizing the details of the upcoming tri party peace/denuclearization meeting as well.

That’s actual, ongoing action. Kim appears to be desperately attempting to show good faith this time something neither he nor his father ever did in the past.

Hate Trump all you want but denying he’s making historic progress here is just partisan nonsense.

The war most certainly has not been over. Shooting breaks out across the DMZ and in the Korean Islands with regularity.

We’ve had a long and very tentative ceasefire but a very real state of war has always existed their since that CFA was signed.

It was never shut down.

I hope you kept the receipt for that defective crystal ball. Otherwise maybe it will make a nice paper weight.