IT BEGINS: Cortez Says ‘ULTRA WEALTHY’ Will Pay for Universal Healthcare, Free Education | Sean Hannity

I agree, and that adds to my point. She can be a raving lunatic and get a seat depending on her district. My comment was in regards to broader appeal.

So if everyone “pays their fair share” then people can get education and healthcare without paying for it. Am I understanding what she’s saying? She’s saying some people have to pay so the people she’s pandering yup for votes don’t have to. What about her voter’s fair share?

Wow, she’s getting more attention than Maxine Waters, a person I had never heard of before I read the screaming on this forum.

That’s something.

Infant mortality is probably higher in the U S—God I hope Torey makes it to this thread—due to more mothers at high risk for poorer outcomes giving birth. What percentage of mothers, for instance, in Western Europe nations is obese?

As far as universal healthcare, why were Canadian posters on a similar thread here speaking of those with private insurance being moved to the front of the line? Why was my MIL advising her pregnant DIL’s to avoid public maternity hospitals & get a midwife to deliver the babies at home?

The Affordable Care Act in the U S has been a disaster. Some still lack coverage, & those penalized the most to help the uninsured insurance have been working people with group health benefits.

A.C.O. & her fantasies need to remain in New York. The minute they spread nationwide, we’re in trouble, JMNSHO.

“Fair share”=penalizing some more than others.

Why does no one push for a flat tax? Low income household= pay 3% of your yearly income in tax.

Wealthy individual, family or corporation = 3%.

And before anyone tells me 3% will be more difficult for poorer families, they seem to have no problems finding money for everything from scratch tickets to cigarettes to overseas travel.

Good for her then. If her constituents like her they will keep selecting her.

Well, at least we can agree the ACA was a farce.

And there will always be anecdotes for any system. Nothing is perfect, unfortunately some fall through the cracks. Unfortunately what we have right now are massive crevices in ours. Before the ACA, medical bills were leading cause of bankruptcy. We have zero issue paying for firefighters, coast guard, and other services to come help us when things go awry, why shouldn’t health be any different?

Especially when the data clearly shows we have higher cost for inferior outcomes. You have to be woefully ignorant or blatantly dishonest to think our system is better than others’.

Because a flat tax isn’t fair.

Fine. Try sitting in an E R in Canada waiting to be seen, or waiting on a list for medical care for procedures like orthopedic surgery deemed not urgent.

Heck, try the quality of some V A hospitals—to be fair about this example of socialized medicine, some of these hospitals provide good care, but others vets avoid.

Just how many in countries like France & West Germany have some of the risk factors of the U S population for the need of healthcare system? I wasn’t even encountering as many obese on Canada.

And at least I haven’t made any arguments about anyone’s character to make my points. Have a lovely day!

To what I bolded, a farce is something one can laugh off and walk away from. Not so with the horrid Democratic PPACA. The PPACA was far, far worse than a farce, it was, politically, every good idea executed poorly and every bad idea executed well.

That is in my Leftist Liberal opinion!


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And neither is a tax rate that penalizes individuals or corporate entities for financial success.

Everyone should bear some small cost for services we all use.

The fair tax is the one that hurts equally.

Okay Obama, as you say.


The Original Post doesn’t even start to cover some of this woman’s goals.

Guaranteed federal jobs, really? Do we really want someone whose loyalties may lie elsewhere in some of these positions? Or someone whose debt or other desperate situation may cause them to bypass quality on the job, or the rules of the job? Really?

And do we really want people lacking education for those jobs—for example, someone without a degree in the social sciences or related field—working, say, in law enforcement? Probation?

There is a reason these jobs require such an extensive clearance to get, & they already offer some of the benefits she wants them to, like health care &, in some agencies, daycare.

Per one source there is a big discrepancy in costs of Medicare for All—not sure why so many love Medicare as it pays less than private insurance, motivating some physicians to reject it—but there is a big difference between Bernie Sanders’ $14,000,000 & her $2,000,000.

Let New Yorkers have her. I for one don’t want to see her goals tried elsewhere.

Making arguments personal defeats any merit their political opinions have, IMO.

No. I absolutely want her in Congress. She is very vocal on ending mandatory arbitration and private prisons.

Ultra Wealthy? I don’t think that will last long.

I’ve yet to hear of anyone under a progressive tax system that would prefer to be lower income vs rich to avoid the “penalty” of a higher tax rate.

Besides, Medicare isn’t free! Seniors pay about $140/mo. taken out of Social Security benefits and that covers 80% of Hospital, medical. So they pay about $175 for a second Policy to cover the other 20%. Then They pay about $35 mo. for prescription drug coverage. That’s about $350/mo. And, guess what! THATS PER PERSON! that’s worse than Obamacare for the Average family!