Oh man, that leftist boogeyman just won’t go away, will he? If only the Jews would just listen to our libs and vote the way they want them to, then we wouldn’t have to pretend like it isn’t all just that classic leftist anti-semitism echoing from the GwoT.
My favorite is how the groups supporting him are pushing to eliminate the laws under which he was charged.
It’s a right-wing takeover. Extreme j00s!
doesn’t look good for the Biden/Kerry/Iranian nuke plan
If Biden is smart, he’ll just bypass Netanyahu altogether.
yeah, cause getting a box of cigars should be extremely punished.
Heeee’s bbbaaaccckkk!
Awwww maaaaan! Now libs have to skirt that antisemitic line for just a little longer.
They’re going to screw around and get Trump reelected, too.
Serves them right too. lol
Bibi is back. SOME Libbies just got a wedgiie from the Israeli political win.
We ahould pray for BIbi, the State of Isreal, the ISF, Mossad, the Jewish people and the Israeli Arabs.
Our Father in Heaven, Rock and Redeemer of Israel, bless the State of Israel, the first manifestation of the approach of our redemption. Shield it with Your lovingkindness, envelop it in Your peace, and bestow Your light and truth upon its leaders, ministers, and advisors, and grace them with Your good counsel. Strengthen the hands of those who defend the holy land, grant them deliverance, and adorn them in a mantle of victory. Ordain peace in the land and grant its inhabitants eternal happiness.
May He bless the fighters of the Israel Defense Forces, who stand guard over the land and the cities of God, from the border of the Lebanon to the desert of Egypt, and from the Great Sea unto the approach of the Aravah, on the land, in the air, and on the sea.
The Lord, God of Israel, is king and his dominion is absolute. Amen forevermore.
Cool. Maybe the Nobodaddy is real. Bibi will try to find out. Between bribes, that is.
If biden were smart he would be smart.
That’s 5 seconds neither of us gets back.
Prime Minister
It was coming until his allies decided to retcon the law for him. Didn’t even try to hide his corruption.
Prime Minister.
Cigars and champagne are party favors, not bribes.