ISIS reportedly claims credit for massive suicide bombing in Iran

Yep. The biggest killer of Muslims are other Muslims.

Yes…but Western culture believed those who can’t stand each other in a common religion CAN be imported and assimilated…
Talk about stupid …
Now they’re crying crock tears and saying…What have we done !!!


They wouldn’t fly of the shelfs in CA.
They dream overthere to go all electric in less than a decade.

The US and Israel obviously paid ISIS to take credit for the bomb and used Putin and the Illuminati as dead drop cutouts. We know the money was washed by the Bilderberg Group in UFOs parked in Area 52.


Or the US and its allies have just been following the same old game plan that was laid out by the Brookings Institution in 2009.

Here is an excerpt from p. 119 in the chapter “Inspriring and Insurgency” that describes the advantages of using insurgent groups to attack Iran. One of the groups specifically mentioned in the chapter is the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK), which was on the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations in 2009.


Brian Berletic makes the case that the bombing in Iran is entirely consistent with covert US programs such as to those described in the Brookings paper.