Is Trump Our Worst President Ever?

The worst. The best. I think we should agree to disagree. We are all right, even if my opinion is more valuable than yours. One day, people will realize that Donald Trump has freed the United States from the disaster of President Obama. The world no longer thinks we are strong because Obama is weak. Donald is very strong. Look at his hands. You can’t use such a hand to be a bad president. I guarantee that there is no problem with the bedroom.

Pretty sure Donny lost hand. Seinfeld reference.

And if he thinks he still has hand, well, he’s gonna need it.


Bernie owned the progressives.

Hillary had the old school liberals.

She won becuase she got gasp more votes than Bernie.

That’s a fact.

She swept the south and northeast.

No self respecting liberal Democrat would vote for sanders.

I sure won’t.


As orchestrating the greatest presidential upset election of all time.

An impressive legacy.

Here what some historians tell us.

well certainly it was an upset. the greatest in American HIstory?

ummmm no. but definitely in the top 6.


Polk v Clay. definitely number one…


No. but most likely the greatest of our lifetime unless you were were born before 1948.

American presidential election history goes way back and there were bigger upsets.




I don’t believe President Donald Trump is “hated” like his supporters seem desperate to believe. He is disliked, viewed with skepticism, and called out for his bad qualities, like being a prolific liar. And it is not just from Democrats or people on the left. Moderates, Independents, and Conservatives alike seem to have general agreement here in regards to him. He is a lousy individual that very few people outside of his supporters seem to believe has any redeeming qualities.

But George W. Bush doesn’t own the Great Recession? I don’t understand. Lol

He is definitely the worst person to ever be President. By quite a lot as well.


Losing the popular vote and winning the EC by around 80,000 votes spread over three states, that we now know he cheated to win, is hardly impressive. Lol

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I am an “old school” Democrat. Bernie isn’t even a Democrat so why would I vote for him?

Back in reality, Trump has added fewer jobs, has near 0% annual returns compared to Obama’s 13.5%, will not reach 3% GDP growth this year, has slower real wage growth, etc.

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Left his kid out of the official WH Christmas photo.

Yes, this is an illegitimate president really.


I believe that as well. And the history books that will be written will reflect this reality too.

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He’s at Warren Harding right before he died levels right now.

Trump is the WORST president ever, in all bold caps!

No doubts about that.

Guess what, Obama isn’t president any more.

If the world is now thinking that America is weak it is all on Fat Donald’s shoulders.


Surprised he allowed Melania into the picture?

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