Is this the stupidest idea in American history?

It is clear that Trump believes what the CEC is feeding him about Biden’s positions. And if Trump tries to use any of those falsehoods in the debates Joe will have a field day chewing him up and spitting him out.


What did you find on his website? What does he plan to do with the border crashers? Maybe if he would take some freaking questions we could ask him?

His plan was posted in one of the first responses to you.

You rejected looking at it for a Breitbart article.

Either you want to discuss Biden’s plan as he outlined it or you don’t.

So which is it?

And no…there are not only two options when it comes to immigration policy.

What do you believe? What will he do with the border crashers?

What will he do with the border crashers?

Do you want to discuss Biden’s actual plan or Breitbart’s opinion of the plan?

Read his plan in the link provided.

He tells you what he’s going to do.

Or you can stick with what Breitbart told you to believe.

Why don’t you read his plan? It is all there for you to learn.

Here’s the link in case you missed it. If you want, let’s discuss once you’ve read it

The actual plan. What will he do with the border crashers and how will his plan affect border security? Let’s just start with those two.

It’s funny how some people call others sheep, but then those same people turn around and post crap from sources like Breibart and swear up and down that it’s gospel. mjlol


Again, read the link i provided, and we can discuss the plan line by line.

It doesn’t take that long to read. It took me less than 5 minutes.

Keith Ellison wants open borders.

Obama wanted DAPA too. But you never heard about it. Then extended families… one leads to the next. Obama wanted them all in.

I thought you were going to ask about the idea of a reality show host being President…Who as an added bonus, also lost money as a casino owner…lol

Why don’t we all start with you reading the actual plan so an informed discussion can unfold :roll_eyes:

It say’s exactly what Breitbart says. Give citizenship to all the illegal border crasher and bring millions more is. Harass border patrol agents for doing their jobs and “modernize the border” What ever the hell that means.

Biden wants DAPA too. As many as he can get in, he’ll let in. DAPA rewards those who deliberately broke our laws. All is forgiven.

I could care less about Breitbart’s opinion. You have Biden’s actual policy. Let’s discuss please.

Do you want me to provide them to you line by line so we can discuss?

Keith Ellison was photographed with a tee shirt saying in Spanish “I don’t believe in borders”. However when asked his office would not clarify. So yeah, maybe so. Not confirmed one way or the other.