Is this really the tax plan that you want?

Good Lord. There it is.


Interesting. I still don’t trust them. I think my mom would still be here if not for them.

Don’t care to go into all the details.

I won’t. I don’t care about plans. They have no right to punish me for their lack of discipline. It’s a joke. People need to learn how to think for themselves. Anyone who thinks that their own party has done a good job with the national debt. Is not thinking for themselves.

You literally just made a thread based on made up, conservative think tank strawman plans…


There’s only 2 parties whose presidents have massively decreased the deficits they inherited which is the first step. Guess which…

The last deficit before Obama was about 460 billion.

Plus it took Obama forever to help stabilize the economy (that’s what happens when a person clueless about the economy and business gets elected).

Slowest recovery since the Great Depression i hear.

Defict trends are worthless if debt still rises??
Do you understand the 2?
You cant stop increasing the debt until deficit is negaitive. So that statement makes zero sense.
It’s like saying “trying to spend less is pointless while I’m still in debt”.
It’s wrong. You cant address the debt until you eliminate the deficit. And you can’t eliminate the defict without first cutting it.

The economy stabalized pretty rapidly. Did you know unemployment dropped faster under Obama than Reagan?

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It’s like blaming the fire fighters that your house is half burnt after you lit it on fire

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Rapidly? Amazing the bs some folks buy into. :rofl:

Yes. Unemployment stabalized pretty rapidly given the depths of losses at the height of the crisis.

Faster than Reagan, in fact



Facts have a liberal bias! You gonna believe facts and stats, or Trump Rally’s?? Come on!


Listen, your silly facts don’t stand a chance against the mighty genius of Donald Trump.

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Are you on a supplement, or an advantage plan?

This is empirically false. Obama entered office with a FY2009 deficit projected at 1.2 trillion based on the policy and conditions in place prior to him even swearing in. I guess you’ll just claim the CBO was lying in their Jan 7th, 2009 report?

You claim you don’t care about plans but you initiated this thread to discuss a series of plans. Do you often initiate conversations about topics you have no interest in?

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Pretty much yeah.

It’s the deep state!

Yes all the time! What are you gonna do about it? :smile:

Personally my tax strategy will be to raise taxes until matched spending or lower spending until the matched taxes as of today. I would then put a special assessment on each state based on the population and they will have to come up with their populations share of the national debt for the next 10 years. If they don’t want to pay that’s too bad they have to pay it. We are going to get out of debt.

Unfortunately this would not be popular therefore my party would never be elected.

As for the tax structure afterwards, All income gain from labor would be taxed at 0%. Capital gains would be taxed at a higher rate than they are now. And short term capital gains will be taxed at 90%.