Is This An Offensive Gift for A Child

I thought it was a pretty doll that doesn’t have choking hazards. My family thinks otherwise.

Is this an offensive gift? Is it OK for someone like Toys for Tots?

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No, it does not appear to be offensive by the picture.

Why does your family think it’s offensive?

it would only be offensive if it were not so dark

They believe the recipients in question will think I see them as black peoples—which they’re not, they’re a different background from outside the U S. Don’t want to reveal too much right now.

I thought the little girl would enjoy a doll that looks a little like her. We live in a rural community where there aren’t too many minority residents, and it isn’t a good feeling from experience to feel different from the surrounding majority.

I think dark can be beautiful like the doll and thought it might help the child feel a little less unique. If it’s that bad an idea, it’ll go to Toys for Tots next month.

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How well do you know the family?

It’s not offensive, and personally I don’t feel what your family thinks would be an issue is an issue either.

But, it could be a situation where they wouldn’t particularly feel comfortable with their race being called out front in center.

“How well do you know the family?”

Not very well. Maybe it’s not something they’d enjoy for their particular child, I was wondering when I bought it, and maybe the teething ring would I saw would be more practical.

I hope someone who gets it from Toys for Tots enjoys it.

It’s perfect.

It’s a great doll. Do you have a link to buy them?

I think she is cute. She is wearing a yellow dress.

If she is small, the kids should be supervised while handling her, that’s all. She is small enough that she could easily fit inside a purse that a girl was carrying around.

Here’s the link:

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not offensive in the least

Not offensive. Who would even think it?

Thank you!

You’re welcome :relaxed: