Is the US an oligarchy?

probably right.

I don’t even remember the details of that case.

Unconstitutional on first amendment grounds.

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Are you going to redefine the word “corporation”?

Yep, and they can thank Hildawg for that one.

More like they want to redefine free speech to only include yelling on a soapbox at the park.


Yep, tried to stop a movie about her coming out.

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All she had to do was ignore it. But noooo…

So, we’re good with living in an oligarchy…ok.

Where do you feel there has ever not been one?

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Not sure handing over control of politics to the federal government is the surest way of freeing up politics, or that it isn’t potentially worse than an oligarchy.

Not sure money means more then control of search engines, social media, corporate media at this point. So in a way, you already have the government control you seek. Because the government orders them all around.

Used to be a benign oligarchy.

A menacing one has emerged.

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It’s never been benign. It’s just become more visible.

I don’t know. With the Rockefefellers and Carnegies, they wanted to control the government to allow them their monopolies and keep them from interfering with their getting more money. With ESG and boycotting states or banning people, it seems like they may be moving more into controlling how people think.

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It’s about money too.

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When it was benign it was just about riches.

The menacing part emerged with the electronic communication potential for easy brain washing. IMO.

The oligarchs could handles the names as long as no sticks and stones…now the names hurt too…everyone sees them.

Does a bear crap in the woods?

Welcome to the party.

This has been known for decades.

Conservative policies have exacerbated this, not helped it.

Republican policies

Yes. The US has functioned as an oligarchy for many years. A real concern is that the number of people who have any real influence over the government appears to be shrinking. The real power appears to be a ruling clique from the military and surveillance complex and its allies in Big Tech.

A handful of Big Tech companies control the advertising revenue and search engines for the media, and they are all major government contractors. If Twitter were honest, the mainstream media would come with “state-affiliated media” labels.

As Elon Musk says, the real power in Washington is whoever controls Biden’s teleprompter. The same people who control the teleprompter also control the vast majority of media to prevent anything resembling an informed opinion. The people with the highest education and income are also the largest consumers of government-mandated lies and misinformation.

There is no clear path to end the spiral towards an Orwellian dystopia, but the growing distrust of the media is a hopeful sign.

Half of Americans in a recent survey indicated they believe national news organizations intend to mislead, misinform or persuade the public to adopt a particular point of view through their reporting.
Trust in media is so low that half of Americans now believe that news organizations deliberately mislead them | Fortune