Is the simulation hypothesis a form of intelligent design for non-believers?

A theory that has been gaining widespread acceptance among scientists is the simulation hypothesis. This theory assumes that the universe and everyone it are a computer generated simulation.

Parallels with the intelligent-design theory include:

  • The universe that we experience is a product of an intelligence.
  • The simulation/simulator exists outside of our universe.
  • The simulation knows what we are thinking and can respond to our thoughts.
  • Possibility that our consciousness may exist outside of the material world.
  • The fossil record may simply be a back story for the simulation and not actual proof of evolution.

Is the simulation hypothesis a type of religion for non-believers?

Does acceptance of the simulation hypothesis refute traditional materialism?

There’s a lot of parallels, but the idea does nothing but kick the proverbial can down the road as to what we are and where we come from.

Ever notice how the latest and greatest hypotheticals are always based on the current “new” technology of the day?

We live in a simulation? I wonder where that idea came from…

Psychology used to be really into theories of compression and diversion of pressure. I wonder where that idea came from…

When you’ve got a hammer, everything is a nail.

Yes, the simulation theory has become popular with the development of highly realistic video games, and it does not answer the ultimate question about what the base reality is.

The idea of a series of simulations within simulations sounds a lot like “turtles all the way down”.

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“all models are wrong but some are useful”

Simulations are only accurate as the extent and capabilities to process the infinity and totality of data.

Currently its still limited and the body of knowledge have not be exhaustively discovered in order to be accurately included as part of the data in the simulation.

“Quantum Computing” all the rage is a theoretical simulation. People in that business, try to pass it off as “real” quantum mechanics-- as if they understand or can prove Quantum theories to begin with. It’s just a invented model, constructed with patented qbits. The same theorists tend to think everything is a simulation–they want their AI patents to make money. it’s like a Quantum Ponzi Scheme.

Life is illusory but it’s causes and effects are not simulations.

Isn’t “turtles all the way down” where most of it ends up anyway? Everything goes off into infinity where we can’t comprehend. Incidentally, the fundamental geometry of this universe is measured in irrational numbers. More infinity.

Ugh. This is like homework or something.

Some day we’ll go to sleep and never wake up again. Seems only fair, since we once woke up without ever having gone to sleep. :man_shrugging: