Is the blood of the dead just the price we pay for freedom now?

That was the irony i referred to.

What is the irony?

I’m more than willing to discuss all options to reduce the number of abortions in the US. Aren’t you interested in the same?

For example, I don’t believe a 1-tier solution will solve the problem. I think a lot of solutions must be considered and implemented for us to prevent unwanted pregnancies and abortions.

The irony that something must be done immediately about shootings but millions of unborn babies being killed is acceptable to many of those deploring gun deaths.

Where did you derive any of that from my OP? Lots of assumption was needed to reach that conclusion.

And to be fair, Democrats have offered solutions to unwanted pregnancy and abortion too often the response is ABSTINENCE ONLY BECAUSE IT’S MY RELIGIOUS BELIEF or I DONT WANT TO PAY FOR A WOMAN’S BIRTH CONTROL instead of a rational discussion about unwanted pregnancies being reduced when BC is readily available.

As related to my OP, I think we can reduce the frequency of abortions, but are we willing to what is needed (outlawing it will not work) or just talk?


That’s a bit of an exaggeration. We are still a relatively safe country and our rate of violent crime is considerably less now than it was a few decades ago.

Nobody gets out of here alive.

This world is unforgiving.

Humans are capable of the coldest acts of depravity and the grandest acts of kindness.

The USA was founded on the most comprehensive values of free will. It is the spirit of freedom to uphold a government based on Constitutional liberty and values. The process for changing these is arduous and necessarily must pass through the people, not politicians.

We have always paid this price and will always be ready to pay even more.


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Thanks for having the courage to come right out and say it!


If anything was going to be done about firearms, it would have happened with Sandy Hook.

It didn’t. On we go.

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I will believe the “mental health” solution when someone explains:

  1. How people who need help will be identified?
  2. What intervention for such people has proven effective?
  3. Will people be allowed to opt out of interventions or will they be compelled?
  4. How will this huge program be paid for?

Without a specific proposal, this is no more than a delaying tactic.


Sounds very fine, but we as a nation embraced major changes in driving and substantially reduced automobile deaths.

So why not?

The epidemiological studies are clear:

Banning specific weapons does NOT reduce gun deaths. Assault weapon bans don’t work.


States with universal background checks reduce gun deaths.

Stares that ban people with violent misdemeanor convictions from gun access substantially reduce gun deaths.

The right to bear arms should not supersede the right to life!

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Did I hear universal health care to allow anyone who needs health care has access to same

So what are your thoughtful gun regulations?

-Universal background checks for all gun and ammo purchases.

  • National firearm licensing, which requires training and re-certification of training
  • Bi-annual check ins with license holders by local police
  • Red flag restrictions

I think that’s about it. Basically the Swiss Model, though I might be missing a regulation or two…

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Finding a way to change society sure sounds like something that will happen.

You tell us, how many dead bodies before we end the gun free zones?

I’d consider raising minimum age as well

They are designed to hurt law abiding citizen of their Second Amendment Rights not criminals.

Guns are enough of a problem. We don’t need to give them away for free. :slight_smile:

Why not, owning a gun is my constitutional right!