Is NASA catching on to global cooling?

Whatever you believe.

I wish you luck during your climate apocalypse.

Did you read your own article?

The report is disputed by environmental scientists who claim that the populations are not growing, but are moving closer to humans as they search for food.

“Wildlife experts often use images of emaciated polar bears to show how habitats are coming under threat due to ice shrinking and sea levels rising.

Wildlife experts said that the photos showed how the polar bears’ habitat is coming under threat due to human-induced global warming.

The report is from the native Nunavut government. In fact, Environment Canada, which is the Canadian government, refutes the report.

Funny how you snipped my following sentence where I said precisely just that…

I’ll bet you don’t have a clue about what I think.

Calling me a young earther??? If that’s the best you can do and the best pejorative you can muster good on ya I guess. We all must be young earthers if we don’t kneel at the mention of CC religion/financial scam.

Well, if you put so much faith in the Canadian Govt, you might want to start here:


He rarely does past the headlines… you’d think he would learn by now :wink:

Your level of scientific description in this thread can, at best, only be described young earther.

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making condescending claims without backing them up…

not a good look.

Post 178 (and others) in this thread.

Not a good look…

But hey, you could still link to those graphs… lol

You could tell that from what exactly?

I have yet to actually post anything scientific in which to make that assumption there sweetie.

I posted a link showing some of the more ridiculous predictions from the early Earth Day hysteria as well as mentioned some other hyped up things within that era.

That was all, because I have learned over the years that no matter what gets posted, NO ONE ever changes their position on this subject.

There is plenty of moral grandstanding and superiority complexes apparent however.

Well aren’t you special.

There was like six times as many published papers on warming versus cooling when supposedly global cooling was a thing. It was not a thing.

OK. if you say so. I must have imagined all those previous years I had lived through.

Nope, just know this topic never changes as far as who is on what side and what gets posted. Just ends up being a ■■■■ storm of insults and link wars.

Wow! Thanks for the clue! Now that you have clued in all those climate scientists that the sun is a factor in global temperatures, I expect we will discover no warming.

Do people think about what they post? Seriously?

It’s not me saying so, the papers exist and are compiled. It was a historic example of fake news media hype that you and others were apparently hoodwinked by. That has nothing to do with the actual scientific focus on global warming versus global cooling during that time.

Well, when you posted the comment below:

^^^ This did put you one of the sides. Like it or not.

I never claimed I didn’t have a side. Don’t know where you got that idea. Probably the same place you got the information to call me a young earther.

In the long run, in have your number now.

No you don’t. You have your warped and stereotypical view of what a conservative is and what they believe and use that to paint all of us as exactly the same.

You actually know for a fact absolutely zero about me.