Is Jesus narrow minded?

None, he exists and that’s it.

Darn! Bacon’s the best part…

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Sadly? Don’t you need them to die in mass numbers in Israel so you can get your precious Armageddon?

I hope you change your mind on that.

Every human being ever born has, or will die due to the sin of one man. I would say a 100% fatality rate is enough. That is what Jesus came to do away with- DEATH.

What things do other Christians believe that you have rejected? I will assume the part about science refers to evolution but if not feel free to expand on that too.

The age of the earth is another big thing I disagree with. Other issues are things I am probably not in as big a minority as with evolution and the age of earth.

I believe in once saved always saved.
I believe in a pre tribulation rapture.
I believe in a literal Hell.
I believe in the world wide flood.
I believe God means what he says.

What do you believe the age of the earth is?

I trust you also believe in a just God.

We live on this earth for 90 or so years. A drop in the bucket compared to eternity.

For our earthly years, if we choose to not believe we make that choice for 90 years.

Yet we would be punished for that 90 year decision for eternity. To me, that seems unjust.

Would welcome your thoughts.

No more than 10,000 years.

Do you believe in the speed of light?


This is getting good. :popcorn:

Of course, and of course I know where you’re going with that question.

You are one of most who won’t believe in God until he shows himself. Probably not then either. There were many people who saw first hand the miracles of Jesus first-hand who still didn’t believe.

I remember in school studying evolution and thinking how ridiculous it was, but I went along to pass whatever class I was in. I thought it was ridiculous then and still do.

I see evidence of God everywhere. I believe the biggest thing that convinced me though was what the Bible says about people. Our nature, and the condition of humanity and nations in the end times. What the Bible says about end times is happening now. I find its prophecies on Israel especially relevant…

You say 90 years as if it’s nothing, yet it’s more than enough time. If you don’t believe it’s on you, not God.

One homily points to the common sense aspect of what Jesus is saying. Ask any star athlete, any legendary artist, musician, or scientist and they would truly get “Straight is the way and narrow the gate” that allowed them to become who they were. They could not pack a a lot of extraneous things along, or they would not fit through that narrow gate.

Focusing on God is like that–a talent or a calling like any other. One has to make time, one has to practice, one has to turn let go of quite a lot to succeed in that one area.

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One only needs ask, “How many times I have I truly changed during my life?”

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What’s ridiculous about evolution? Especially, in juxtaposition of a 2000 year old book claiming some guy rose from the dead?

I’ve studied evolution quite a bit, what don’t you buy?

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Could you please define or describe this god you say you believe in.

Your problem is caused by a mistranslation of the NT Greek aiOnios and the OT Hebrew 'oLaM as eternal or never ending and forever. AiOn and 'oLaM mean an age/aeon. AiOnios means aeonous/ageous/age long, not forever.