Is Jeremy Corbyn of the UK Labour Party now right-wing?

He was literally paid to appear on state run Iranian TV.

I see no evidence of payments to Corbyn for speaking to Iranian TV. Please provide a link.

The Clinton Foundation was funded with millions from the Saudi royal family and Ukrainian oligarchs.

Is Clinton a Saudi asset?

Dunno, not really my problem.

Corbyn used to be my MP, though.

What a bizarre thread.

The whole thing is predicated on Glenn Greenwald amplifying an opinion on the World Socialist Website… a place that literally no one but Glenn Greenwald takes seriously.

What happened to that guy?

I don’t agree with Corbyn on a lot of issues, and don’t vote in British elections.

My observation in the US is that anyone who vocally disagrees with the party line from the Democratic Party gets smeared as a right-wing Russian asset. The same sort of thing appears to be going on in the UK as well.

Corbyn used to be leader of the labour party, he wrote the party line.

You have chosen to use a spectacularly bad example to make your point.

He is no longer the Labour leader, and he has come out against vaccine mandates. Now fellow socialists are labeling him as right-wing.

This sounds a bit like the Stalin-Trotsky battles in the Soviet Union.

Yes, the crank left is weirdly fractional and puritanical.

This is hardley news.

The issues about vaccine mandates appear to transcend traditional left-right labels.

In the UK the Conservative Party has pushed mandates, while Corbyn is opposing them.

The Clintons put the Paid in Pay to Play.