Is it time to end the Afghanistan occupation?

I would add keeping air support for The Afghan Army.
keep a small skeleton crew for logistics but its time to cut the training wheel its sink of swim for the Afghan Army hopefully they don’t break within a few month like the Iraqis.

Because Germany isn’t an active war zone.
even troops on standard training duty in Afghanistan have a high risk of seeing combat.

Should never have been in Afghanistan at all.

Is that an opinion? I was asking if you believe it’s time to withdraw. Well?

Nearly the entire country disagrees with you on this. You’re pretty much a lone wolf. What would have been your response to 911? Apologize for making them mad?


But it would not have been spending billions on a war just to kill one ******* guy.


You’re confused. One guy didn’t do this. Who told you this was only to kill one guy? If they did, please provide a link. We actually killed thousands of them. It was called the war on terror. Not the war on bin Laden. The planner of 911, Khalid sheikh Mohammed is still in Gitmo. Is it time to release him since we did kill that one guy?