Is it time to eliminate FOX news?

That’s my point. If that happened, would we want government to force them to continue airing Fox News?


Chair dancing is the laziest dancing.


You’re barking up the wrong tree.

I already support device neutrality, you don’t? Was pretty popular with the left until oh a few days ago.


Look at congress.

She’s hot.

Definitely hotter than Mike Pence.

Cable is in a really bad position to bar anyone. Although I still have cable (that I under use) my experience is that a lot of people are moving away from cable.

Then take that up with you’re Conservative congress critters, you know, the ones you and your fellow cons put in office.

I’m not sure I get the connection here.

Who wrote and introduced it?

Here…let me refresh your memory.


And again back in 2015 under Obama

And not just signed it but expanded their powers too.

And another trip down memory lane.

Want to keep playing?


You’re still barking up the wrong tree with me. I have very long history here.

Other than Tucker Carlson mentioning it, I can’t find any evidence that CNN is pressuring TV providers to shut down Fox News (which ain’t gonna happen considering how many more viewers Fox has over CNN).
But frankly, even if they did, I suspect its not that they care about Fox’s content but just want to use it as an excuse to try to push a major competitor out of the market place. Capitalism as usual.

It was an old Ted Kennedy idea I think.

Passed in the panicky days post 9-11, if you didn’t support it or vote for it you were a terrorist coddling traitor. I won’t post it but it’s not too hard to find a video of our host saving Democrats for opposing NSA data collection in 2006 and then when Democrats where in power later taking the complete opposite position.

Absolutely I’ll keep playing…Who wrote it and introduced it? …And which party made it politically damaging if you opposed it?

look it up and it should be obvious

It seems like a separate issue to me.