Is it really a 6 to 3 majority on the Supreme Court?

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Maybe the liberal side is right sometimes. :blush:

But that isn’t even a liberal position if you look at his reasoning. It was a jurisdiction issue, and the federal courts had no jurisdiction over a state issue.

He sided against conservative activist judges.

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There are no formal requirements in the Constitution.

But there are informal standards the Senate uses.

They would be unlikely to confirm any person without legal experience.

And they would be unlikely to confirm any person who was admitted to the bar by “reading law” i.e. apprenticing.

For all practical purposes, a Juris Doctor from an accredited law school and several years of legal experience is required.

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1957 was the end of that.

Harvard and Yale need to be grounds for refusal.

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Amen to that.

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Meanwhile we just had United States Senator threaten federal judges.

Sen. Chris Coons is calling for sweeping federal court reform following Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court, saying there are “hundreds” of President Trump-appointed judges in the lower courts who are too right-leaning to be “allowed to sit peaceably.”

Now what did he mean when he said they shouldn’t be allowed to live in peace?

Live in peace as the majority.

This is war.

Time to expand the courts.


Sit on the bench. That’s even worse than “live in peace”.

Trump appointed 1/3 of the judiciary and 3 Supreme Court Justices. Did you guys expect other Americans to take this like a battered spouse?

But that’s the risk you take when you decide that court packing is your primary policy to enact policy. “We don’t need elections, we have the courts.”

What do feel you’re going to do about it?

The court wasn’t packed, but that post is; with irony.


Court packing has a specific meaning and that ain’t it.

Did Trump kill Scalia and Ginsburg? Did he force Kennedy to retire?

Two of the three were Republican appointees anyway. What are you really mad about?


The other eight members might vote to impeach her if that ever happened :rofl:


What would be different if the Senate had confirmed Garland?

Or held off this confirmation. Either way they would have been fine.

The other 8 members?

Why? What would be different?


Of the Supreme Court

That’s not how it works.