Is it Medicare for all? Or Medicare for the peasants?

Here is something to consider. They make what, $175,000 a year? Most people at that payscale DO have just as good insurance as congress.

Cortez would have a helluva fight on her hands to even win a New York Senate seat. Her popularity numbers are upside down.

The rich can just pay for their own insurance.

People as rich as demigods don’t stand side-by-side with mere mortals like us.

Of course you realize where that money comes from.?

Trained Seals clapping for their fish.

How many threads on this do we need?

I don’t know. How many will it take before people figure out that if we have multi-tiered government health care, we get screwed?

Single payer should mean single plan. Don’t you agree?

Not true. The CEO of may company has the same insurance plan that I have. Why not get the democrats to commit to" SINGLE PAYER, SINGLE PLAN. Maybe it has no chance. But it’s sooo un American to give up before we even try.

And if the CEO needs care that isn’t covered by the plan? Perhaps things that might be perceive as conveniences. If the plan covers a shared hospital room, but you have to pay extra for a single. If you and the CEO (separately) get into a lawsuit with the insurance company over what is or isn’t covered, whose lawyers will win? Who has more money in the bank to afford a long term recovery, without their lifestyle taking a hit? Who can better afford to wait until they feel 100% healthy before returning to work. Who is more likely to return to work before they are really healthy enough?

My point is that trying to remove the advantages of wealth is foolish. It will fail.
The goal of single payer isn’t to remove the advantages of the wealthy, but to get decent healthcare to the poor.



Soon as I start cozying up to the idea of Medicare for all you bring in public schools. Whatever medical system we have can’t be ran like those. They will bus me to a hospital across town and increase my property taxes on the way to the hospital to help pay for an unneeded administration building. :face_vomiting:

You DO realize that members of Congress are currently the only people in the country required by law to obtain their health insurance through the state ACA exchanges, right?

No lawyers needed. In your scenario the person with more money will just pay the extra because they can. But I agree with you overall. But I think his point was in the multiple plans. Just have one plan for everyone. If they want to pay extra, let them pay. But don’t have separate plans. If they’re going to have a plan, it better be good enough for them as well.

Public schools are funded the way they are funded. My schools are fine and the community is very involved in the school. It’s a local issue not a national one.

Due to the nature of healthcare and the size of the institutions involved, medicare-like systems really cant be done at the local levels.

Okay. My point is that we should not accept a multi-tiered insurance scheme where we simply hand them the best plan and accept a lesser one for ourselves.


If the elites want special treatment, lets make them cheat to get it. Fair enough?

Agreed. Why should our employees have better coverage than those who employ them?
I agree with Ben Shapiro on the issue - the universal coverage, socialized medicine, medicare for all supporters (whatever you want to call them) assume that you are going to have availability, affordability and quality health care, but in reality, you can only have two of the three. Unfortunately, availability and quality assume that you are still gong to have those best and brightest, class valedictorians going into medicine - but with medicine becoming a more unattractive career, those students are not looking to spend 4-8 years in post-college education if medicine is no longer a satisfying and lucrative career option, when technology has opened up so many equally satisfying options that call for far less training and aggravation. We’re already seeing the doctor drain in our area; both the inability to attract younger doctors and the early retirement or career changes of the over 50 doctor.

As I said, all we need to do is to tell congress that we will happily accept the exact same plan that they have. Word for word. And it’s done. The debate is over.

You already have it if you want it. It’s called the ACA. Members of Congress have been required to buy their health insurance through the ACA state exchanges for years.

Wrong. Nobody is saying that we have access to the exact same plan that congress does. Not even congress.

Yeah, you do, and saying otherwise doesn’t change that. You can go to your state ACA exchange tomorrow and get the same plan your congresspeople have. Here’s what the ACA actually says:
“The only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are — (I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or (II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act).”