Is hillary Missing a Golden Opportunity, Or Time To Jump In Pantsuit and All

Polls tend to do that.

It was Trumplandia’s zenith, it’s only natural they’d want to revisit it.


So true.

But biden clearly has so much to offer.

Why didn’t he run in 2016 again?

Because he knew donald was just too bigly.

But now he’s gonna take him behind the gym.

If it’s okay with hillary, that is.

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His son passed away.

Keep reaching for your dreams, big guy!

His son told him to run.

It doesn’t matter. The pain of losing a child is something very few people would understand.

Literally no one, including most of her supporters and likely Hillary herself, wants Hillary to run again.

Except Trumpers who are terrified to realize that he can’t win against anyone that haven’t spent 30 years campaigning against.

Sounds like what a bunch of misogynists who don’t want the glass ceiling to be broken would say.

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Warren wouldn’t break the glass ceiling?

Why hasn’t the democrat congress impeached Trump yet?

It’s easier to attack others than to defend Trump. But then again, OP calls Obama a “kenyan ladyboy” all the time so there’s really no point in shaming him.

Sounds like what a bunch of clinton-hating republicans would say.

Why didn’t warren run in 2016?

They’ll never get the 45 swing district crazies to sign on to that publicly.

No media will even get them on record about impeachment.

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Awwwww, does someone miss Hillary? :disappointed_relieved:

Don’t forget she also pulverized Biden in the primaries.

Pocahontas would shatter it with a tomahawk chop.


They miss Hildawg because of this: