Is China being permanently lost as an ag export market?

Fake news…ask any lib here.

thats not what would have happened…


Then maybe you guys aren’t informed as you THINK you are.

please oh please attempt to support your claim.

I’m still waiting on libs to support theirs.

we have plenty of times. TPP was aimed at uniting nations to form an economic block AGAINST China… so why would Boeing try to build aircraft within china because of TPP

Lack of critical thinking skills is not my problem.

having proof to back up assertions is though. otherwise this is just another in a looooong line of baseless claim…

I’m still waiting on your poof.

I read the original content of TPP.

i used to have respect for you :grinning:

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Let me guess…Chicago fan?


btw the US didn’t ratiffy TPP and…Boeing is still building in China

so…your proof?

your proof?

No ■■■■ Dick Tracy.

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so just another baseless accusation again. thanks for playing again

I’m still waiting on your proof.


same old same old.

I swear…and to think I’m the uneducated one.

I know, I used to feel intellectually inferior.