Is Biden throwing Bernie Bros under the bus?

You’re smarter than Trump on that one.

I’m smarter than Trump on all of them.

I’m downright excited for a Biden Presidency! Talk about the right man for the right time!
As the country has fallen into my side /their side we are on the verge of electing a man who made a lifetime work out of becoming friends with everyone, earning respect on both sides, and passing bi-partisan bills

Its why Lindsay Graham says that “Joe Biden is as good of a man as God ever created”

Yes he is.
And Trump runs the Republican party.

No, he’s not.

Yes he is.

No. Biden was very clear about his platform and what he took from the 150 page outline and what he didn’t. And his platform is on his website and the planks have not changed since it was posted.

Will Biden throw Bernie bros under the bus?

He’s telling em to be patient.

May guess is Biden is waiting until after George runoff to make his decision.


He said he is going to name Treasury right after Thanksgiving.

Sure he isnt.

imagine the very real concerns of trumpsters for actual socialists. Very real concerns.

Nah, he’s not. Watch. He did it again today.

I love them.

Well, she also said cow farts are a big cause of global warming at one point so clearly, absolutely everything she says should be taken deadly serious.

"“We set a goal to get to net-zero, rather than zero, emissions in 10 years because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast,” the document said.

Despite Ocasio-Cortez’s staff denouncing the document, and the “farting cows” line not being in the resolution itself, it has stuck with opponents of the Green New Deal and led to accusations that the plan would outlaw beef."