Is anyone surprised he’s a Republican?

There are good people on both sides of this person.

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Rebuking someone is not accusing them of a crime.

Not. Absolutely not. Not by itself.

Mistakes are made all of the time and information is reclassified after review. Not a felony.

Out of all the review I think there was a right to be concerned about the 7 email chain that was in the “opinion” of Comey to have discussed SAP info about drones. That’s it.

If true… IF TRUE… then it would not have mattered if it had been on a govt. server with a .gov email. It still would have been a mistake and when/if someone realized it there could be a classification put on it.

But this world is now full of completely moronic, ill informed idiots that think Clinton just had volumes of classified material stored on her server at all times like she used it for everything classified with her job.

And that’s all I’ll say about this stupid ass deflection from the inability of cons to denounce a racist piece of ■■■■■

Racism apologists exist.

man, ain’t that the truth. been living around them my whole life.

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lol - You people just make this ■■■■ up or believe whatever dumb ass pundits you watch that make this stuff up and then you run with it.

Any white person that would label this judge a racist for his views would certainly label a black man the same for having the reverse view.

You are irked here for no reason other than your own false imaginings.

“You people” if your white and you used that phrase your a racist, if your black and used that phrase you just proved my point.

His thoughts are rooted in racism, homophobia and religious discrimination.

Do you or do you not believe that those things are deserving of rebuke? Because your question implies that you do not.

Further and the real question in this case is do you think that someone with those views belongs in office as a commissioner?

Some of us are stating that our opinion is no. We think those are bad traits for someone to have and he doesn’t belong in a position like that.

Others are in here defending him and seem to think his views are just fine and want to keep them alive and well in our society. You can tell who is who pretty easily.

Which group are you in? I’m truly curious.

lol - You have really been trained with all the dog whistles that I’m sure you only believe and accuse libs of using all the time.

Your response to my post shows you have real issues concerning race. That is obvious.

Really stop for a minute and think about what you just did.

Your previous post said that it irks you when we have different rules for people based on their skin color and then immediately come back with a post stating very clearly that you believe what I said has different meanings based on my skin color.

I hope you look for and find new sources of information because whatever you have been using has your views seriously screwed up.

But I also thank you for the tip. I should not say “you people”. I thought it was clear I was talking about cons/right wing types but I should try to be specific when typing on here.

First off, cons/right wig types don’t like me either because I believe in a progressive tax system, public accommodation laws, gay rights and civil rights (I just happen to get really ticked off when progressive label all white people as racist - see white privilege arguments).

Second, I was illustrating that a white person who uses the phrase “you people” towards a minority (no matter the context) will always be labeled a racist, while a minority who uses that term toward a white person will not. Not that I believe that it is right.

So, you gleaned all this information from a short article in that bastion of truth, the HuffPost?

Do you think that an adulterer, liar and perjurer should have been allowed to remain President?

So? Do you want to use the phrase “you people” towards black people?

That phrase has a history rooted in white oppression of balck people.

**[quote=“Call_me_Ishmael, post:11, topic:958, full:true”]

from your link

"The candidate’s estranged brother, who is married to a black man, called his brother’s views and actions “disqualifying for anyone to hold public office in 2018.”

ahhhhhh… so it’s a vindictive homosexer that is trying to destroy his brother. Not surprised. He’s likely a liberal… either a closet lib or a proud activist lib. Libs don’t want people to think differently than them.

I’d try to destroy his career as well. Im sick of people getting into power that think its ok to dehumanize American citizens.

Because they feel same way, there really is no other explanation.

You keep thinking we live in a pure democracy… odd that.

Faux news has warped the minds of people to a rather astonishing level.

Because if people dont speak out, guess who wins…

Whataboutism is not an argument.

More living proof that racism, homophobia and religious discrimination apologists exist.

To answer the ■■■■■■■ moronic and lame deflection posed by you while trying to defend racism, homophobia and religious discrimination from a guy that makes his views perfectly clear in the video some of us were not too lazy to watch before posting about this…

No. While I really like Bill Clinton and think he was a great President, I felt a message should be sent that Presidents should not engage in behavior that would open them up to blackmail.

Trump is more living proof of what a bad idea it is to have someone like that in office. With the extra bonus that Trump is a complete ■■■■■■■ idiot.

Then I suggest you read more on the issue.

Two things.

First. There were emails, not many, that had the classified markings in them when sent.

By law each individual one is a felony.

Two. As part of her job description she was required to know what is supposed to be classified, whether it’s marked or not. Was she ignorant or incompetent?