Iowa wastes more taxpayer money

The fact that its human is irrelevant, if the woman doesn’t want it inhabiting her body she has every right to have it removed.

And this is based on what logical basis?

Are you for abortion for all periods during a pregnancy? If not, then your argument does not hold up. If the placement of the baby matters and your argument is “if it’s in the woman’s stomach, therefore her choice”, then the viability argument should not come into play.

It’s rather disturbing that you (and pro-choice America) should argue “who cares if it’s a human life”. I thought our constitution was protecting the lives of ALL humans.

My argument is based on the fact we need to take into consideration both human lives, not just one side of the coin.

Wrong! You right wingers want “freedom” from government interference, rules/regulations, but are OK with interfering with medical/personal decisions?

What’s wrong with you people is that you don’t even want birth control available.

I guess you’re not counting all the golf trips Idiot Boy has taken in the past 16 months or the $1.4 trillion spending bill he signed a few months ago.

Your argument is ignorant and controlling. There is no other side of the coin.

That if she doesn’t want it inhabiting her body she has every right to have it removed ever if this results in its death.