Internet censorship and control on the way

FCC stealing your freedom of speech… I wouldn’t be surprised if all “right wing” communication with the new and improved “net neutrality” is removed from the internet

not many stories about this democratic freedom to be imposed on you

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You have no understanding what Net Neutrality is.


Do you understand what net neutrality is?


Is it like the “Inflation Reduction Act”?

No. It isn’t.

It is a regulation that whatever website or service a user requests on the internet it is treated the same no matter what the source.

So if Spectrum is having a spat with Netflix, they cannot give download speed priority to their streaming service and throttle the speed of Netflix.

It is a consumer protection regulation that says that the user gets the speeds that they pay for no matter what.

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You don’t understand what it is either. But I knew that from earlier discussions on the topic.


…and…YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY’LL DO. They label it one thing for it to be swallowed and then do what the ■■■■ they want to do.

Dude…your arrogance is the strongest thing about you and that’s sad.

I know exactly what they will do.

Scaring people with falsehoods about consumer protection is what the telcos want.

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I know what net neutrality is… it’s not arrogance. It’s confidence

…and yet you’re too arrogant to accurately interpret what was just said and are blind to this fact.

You didn’t say anything about net neutrality. You are too focused on me.

What are your thoughts on net neutrality?

Notice how libs here push for Net Neutrality…and just for the record I support it.

But libs on one side of their mouths believe net providers should treat all other net providers equal access/speed etc. But other side of their mouths they believe those same providers should have right to censorship opposing views.

Do anyone here see that hypocrisy?

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You made this up.

I do not believe comcast should throttle traffic to Netflix so that they can increase traffic to their own streaming service.

This is why I support net neutrality.

What internet providers do libs support that are censoring?

Providers shouldn’t have a right to censorship… other than what we all agree on like child porn and such… the websites though have a right to censor what is on their site.

So a company doesn’t have a right to throttle their competitors speed but speech they can?

Same question for you.