Interesting trend in homelessness

The other homeless thread had largely become a thread about social security.
(It happened naturally so approve. I have no objection.)

So , since homelessness interest me I’ll start a new thread.

Here goes:

New York, Vermont, California and Oregon lead the US in homelessness

Almost as if there’s a pattern there … :thinking:


…and the pattern I believe it’s showing, are the areas that have further distanced themselves from The Lord that result in the break up of the nuclear family. If children are not taught how to deal with the responsibilities of adulthood, there’s a greater probability of homelessness when they arrive. It then continues to exacerbate with each new generation IMO.


go where there are programs to assist in housing.

i am shocked.


…and yet the population in these areas are declining. I am shocked.

the only state where population is declining is West Virginia.


Here’s from 21

Here’s from 22

…and here’s from 23

Once again @biggestal99 …you’re wrong.


they live and defecate on the sidewalks

does that shock you too?


those programs are great because the create homelessness
or because they keep people homeless?


Hey @biggestal99 …you still around? Here’s some more factual evidence to show you how ignorant regarding the truth of what’s going on around you, you are.

The other states that experienced a population decline were New York, California, Illinois, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Hawaii and West Virginia. New York led the pack with an estimated 101,984 residents that left within the year, bringing the population to 19,571,216.


The map must be including the homeless who have homes (provided by the taxpayers.)

General rule:
When one counts the homeless who don’t have homes and actually live on the street, weather is a huge factor. By that measure, homeless ness in Florida, Arizona and southern California would be much higher than homelessness in Alaska, Maine , Northern California etc…

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Well…Mercy…How can that be?
You’re talking to people who live in a dream land and deny the obvious.
That was the only thing you could read for years and they still deny it.
IN SPITE of masive Illegal Immigration CA still leads in exodus.

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Incentivize something and then be surprised when you get more of it.

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Yet the population isn’t focused in the South. I’ve been in Texas long enough to see the seasonal migration pattern of the homeless, South to Texas for the Winter, back to Northern locals in the late spring, before the summer heat and humidity sets in. And they are focused in the Northeast which definitely is too cold to live outside from November to March. The same with Oregon and Washington State.


Or maybe the exodus is because of massive illegal influx.

And CA is running massive budget deficits too. Each time I see a new article, the number seems to increase. If that keep going, the deficit is going to hit $100billion. (Maybe CA should start appropriating all the cash that illegals are wiring back to their families in South America?)

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These also just happen to be the ■■■■ holes losing taxpayers by the hundreds of thousands.

Several patterns, really. :man_shrugging:

Those happen to be the richest states
The states with the most support for homeless
For the west coast, states with the best weather year around

I mean if I were homeless I wouldn’t want to live in Missouri or Alabama. Even if they gave me money to live there.

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when the 2030 census comes out. california will have gained population.

these are all estimates.

only the official census counts.


You won’t find a single native California who would be said about losing a few hundred thousand people. There are close to 40 million people here and lack of housing, the weather and “stuff to do” makes this place expensive to live in.

Less people = more available housing

Even when proven wrong, your arrogance/ignorance leads your way.


Or it could be that states with

  • high crime,
    -rotten schools,
  • a government that endlessly attacks businesses, including Ma & Pa shops that provide entry level jobs,
  • a welfare umbrella that disincentives work, &
  • and a culture that endlessly preaches "You are a victim and there are no opportunities except getting handouts)

produce a ton of people who wind up poor and at risk of homeless.