Inflation and crime out of control- Quick, Bring in the IRS!

I read it. Are you one of those that attempting to tell me what I’m reading and seeing isn’t really what I’m reading and seeing?

LOL… now that is downright funny. You would never admit it but even you know that is B.S.

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Then you missed this part

High-Income Returns Escape Audit Because IRS Not Hiring Enough Revenue Agents

A critical limitation in the IRS’s ability to audit millionaires is the availability of IRS revenue agents. Only this class of auditors, given sufficient training and experience, are qualified to examine complex tax returns – the types of returns typically filed by high-income individuals and large-scale businesses.

With severe budget constraints, IRS has tended to trade off the replacement of revenue agents with hiring more tax examiners. These certainly are paid less, but they are also less knowledgeable. While revenue agents used to outnumber tax examiners, this has slowly shifted over time.

Since the end of FY 2010, the number of IRS revenue agents has dropped by 41 percent. Initially, the number of tax examiners also fell although not at the same rate. By FY 2016, tax examiners began to outnumber revenue agents for the first time. During FY 2020 and FY 2021, major increases took place in the hiring of tax examiners. Thus, the number of tax examiners has regained all of their lost ground and were actually 1 percent higher than in 2010. See Figure 4 and Table 3.“

Has Mitch McConnell been audited?
Kevin McCarthy?
Ivanka? Jared?

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” George Orwell, 1984.


Does the IRS audit poorest people 5 times the rate…yes or no?

This outright lying and deception is getting old.


It won’t with twice as many entitled beaurocrats.

Can’t be. That would disproportionately affect BIPOC. Which is racist.

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Seems they do based on your link. 84% are “correspondence audits” aka “letter audits”.

But they also gave a reason why. Do you believe that part? Or do you want to cherry pick?

Seems like bringing more agents will allowed them to focus on the rich.

Wait don’t you hate the “tax the rich” policy position?

It does…just like all other crime.

I didn’t think about that! That’s 87k who don’t have to worry about an audit.


They owe Dems a favor now.


Oh an they are auditing the Earn income tax credit… literally the “free money” that the poorest Americans get… that y’all hate.

And conservatives are mad about that? Must be because they benefit the most from that free money.

85% of the so called “audits” were settled by mail. EXTREMELY misleading title.

Imagine if we had 87k more prosecutions.

87k more jail cells.

87k more border agents.



More than likely, and I do know that President Trump was audited every year even before he became president. Trump made his money in real-estate and he lost money in office.

Now, you tell me how Pelosi, the Clinton’s and Obama became multi millionaires working for the government.

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What’s 87k of 160 million?

Sounds like they’re making excuse as to why they’re auditing poorest people.

Now I understand they should audit those receiving government benefits…because I know few…actually lot of people collecting SSI or those that can’t work but are doing work on the side.

But the facts remain. The poorest people are being audit 5 times the rate.

Attempting to get blood out of a rocking isn’t going to fund the IRS itself let alone reducing the deficit. And that’s a fact.


A plus.