Income equality. Where to start

No? If you make more, we’re taking more?


Yes, we essentially had one from the 1930’s til Reagan drastically cut the top tax rate.
Also works very well in professional sports to keep teams competitive.

The issue of income inequality is not that some people make too much money, it is most people make too little money.

So now the pie never grows?

So you take from too much to give to too little. Maybe a better way to say it would be “some people make too much money for “society” not take a bunch of it”?


How much is too little?


Why do you get pie?

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Should every job pay similarly?

Well… no … but that one pays too little.


More straw men.

You’ve spent the last 20 years working to get a law degree. If you choose to, you can monetize that.

I didn’t. I got to be a lawyer by outlawyering a lawyer.

We should be within how much of each other on pay?

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Well if some jobs pay too little- supplemental income for those people? I should work fast food and be paid somewhat close to a doctor? What’s your solution? What’s the point of getting more education and specialization?

Or even just effort?


More straw men. No one has suggested that all jobs should pay the same - or even “somewhat close” to each other.

Yes, a living wage. Whatever you need to live on.


Then how are you addressing “wage gap”? Because that’s the gap; some jobs pay a lot more than others.


I went to law school on a lark. I certainly didn’t spend 20 years working towards that goal.

There’s no need to try to put words in my mouth.

Ok, if you say so. As long as you did the work, the question stands.

Why did you lark?

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Again. The problem isn’t that some people make too much money - it’s that too many people make too little money.

I have no problem that Jeff Bezos has made $100 billion dollars - but I do have a problem with amazon workers making less than minimum wage.

Why? Do you buy from Amazon? Minimum wage is an arbitrary number. How much are you willing to pay them? $1M?

Are you counting their discount?

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