In 2019 Trump was going to win big in 2020, but

So you’re basing it on nothing but your own biased opinion. Got it.

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No bias at all, I gave credit where it was due regardless of party even to Roosevelt.

Roosevelt was a 4 term president.

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3.12 term. He died in April 45 after being inaugurated in February.

OMG, you really do nit pick everything.

Can’t ever be wrong.


July 2018


I wasn’t wrong, you were, he didn’t serve even close to four terms.

He was dead 2 months and 19 days or so following his 4th inaugural.

You could have left it alone but no, you tried to prove something that wasn’t true and I fed it right back to you with the actual facts.

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And that “something unforeseen” came to pass, they didn’t retake the House but kept the Senate.

Okay Champ, if that makes you feel good.

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What wa the unforeseen? The fact that it happened? Barring something unforeseen requires an intervening event. What was that event?

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He threw it back to the governors despite having “The Power”.

This was deliberate.

Because if it works out, he’ll take all the credit for offering wise guidelines that the governors followed.

If it doesn’t he will blame the governors for resisting him.


Simply facts you find uncomfortable.

No single event, a series of events largely relating to poor candidates who self destructed which could not be foreseen in June/July when I posted that.

Everybody saw it in June/July.

Poll were pretty much in agreement predicting the Dems would retake the House.

It had nothing to do with “poor candidates who self destructed”.

It was never in doubt.

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Right and now we are in April and yet predictions are being made with the same conviction as they were then.

There was a near certainty that the Democrats were retaking the house in 2018. Your predictionameter is faulty.

Oh and by the way i think trump has a very good chance at being re elected.

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It’s always in doubt till the final vote count.

If it weren’t, Hillary and AlGore would have both
been president.

I’ve missed twice in the last four decades.

First with Trump defeating Hillary and second with the Dem’s in 2018.

That’s ridiculous. The result was exactly indicative of all of the polls leading up to it and all of the special elections in 2017 and 2018. Huge swings to Democrats in almost all races even the ones they lost. There was nothing unforeseen. You were just flat out wrong. And now again, can’t admit it. You based your prediction on what you wanted to happen.


Irrelevant. Early polls are meaningless.

Elections, national elections in particular are won on momentum in the last 60 days.

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Facts are still facts no matter who gets their feelings hurt.