Not sure if Maxine has called to “take him out” yet again but I doubt it will be long before it starts, officially anyway.
it’s already begun by some others whacknuts, as @RTchoke has already pointed out in the innaug thread. i’m capping here to prevent running up their hits but you can find site if you want (and contribute):
Any group can start a campaign to impeach a president or any elected official. Does not mean that its the official stance of Dems.
I do not want Dems to cry impeach and instead focus on being an effective opposition.
This whole madness of impeach, impeach, impeach has to stop. It has minimized something that should be reserved for the rare occasions it is warranted.
Agreed, and they need to go back to the drawing board and figure out who they are and what went wrong in the election (we all know why but they are refusing to see it) instead of wasting time on political theater.
Using historic data we should see Dems win big but right now the electorate is not adhering to political norms, unless the dems pull their finger out, get organized, and start to have a coherent single message that resonates, they will be further eroded in the house and senate.