Immigration, a public charge, and tax tyranny!

Irish need not apply.


Your opinion is noted, but that has nothing to do with what I was laughing at.

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Where have you been? Have you seen our healthcare system, our infrastructure, our public school system? We don’t want to pay for anything other than war and helping the corporates. Then complain why we are 3rd world country! Start spending money on important things! You keep focusing on the border as the fix all. It’s not.

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I see you never answered the question.

Who is going to be taxed to pay for the $BILLIONS in economic needs when the thousands upon thousands of unaccompanied teenaged females from poverty stricken Central America, which the Biden Administration is allowing to stay, start to have anchor-babies?


The Biden/Harris socialist healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and our retired Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK

Texas still in the fight defending Clinton’s “public charge” rule

See Texas AG defends ‘public charge’ rule on immigrants, public assistance dropped by Biden
April 4, 2021

“It cost the country billions of dollars,” Paxton stated on “Sunday Morning Futures,” on Fox News, “If we’re going to invite people in, we’ve got to make sure they can take care of themselves and that they’re not going to end up on food stamps and Medicaid and health care insurance from our country.”

Paxton explained that the “public charge” rule, put in place to set boundaries on public assistance for immigrants, was never official until the Clinton administration federally enforced it.”

Why on earth would any rational thinking person object to a “public charge” rule, especially when such a rule dates back to America’s Colonial days?

It is not a common sense rule? To ignore the protection afforded by such a rule is to make the citizens of a country subservient and tax slaves to all those who flood across the country’s border


“If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides that such protection was afforded, would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?”
___ Justice Story

You have maxed out your question card because you haven’t been answering questions directed at you. I’ll be more than happy to answer your questions after you answer these.

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Your “questions” have nothing to do with this thread which is about a “public charge” rule, and the Biden Administration ignoring Clinton’s adoption of the rule.

Please try paying attention to what has been posted.

The question card is site wide and not thread specific. I’ve provided a link in the previous post referencing the thread where you have accumulated your question deficit. Have a nice day.


In keeping with the subject of the thread, we find a common sense ‘Public charge” rule is detested by AOC with a passion who labels the rule as racist.

See: ‘Public charge’ law is nothing new; Clinton signed similar bill in 1996
Jan 30, 2020

“U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-New York, has blasted the decision not to allow the injunctions. She says that “the American Dream isn’t a private club with a cover charge,” and that enforcing these laws constitutes a ‘wealth test’ for citizenship, making it likely that qualifying immigrants will be richer and white. It is to be hoped that she will use this passion to craft legislation to amend or repeal the 1996 laws that mandate this enforcement instead of merely asking the courts to eviscerate them for Congress, rather than them having to take the awkward step of going on record with votes in an election year.”

Unfortunately our democrat controlled big media refused to question Biden on his intended policies concerning the pending crisis on our southern border before the election. And now, we find the Biden Administration is not only greeting, with open arms, thousands upon thousands of Central America’s poverty stricken, it has also chosen to make America’s hard working middle class citizens tax slaves to support the economic needs of those invading our border.


There is no better way to weaken, destroy and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

I love the way libs often point to the immigrants of the 19th and early 20th century as examples of how we accepted immigrants then but - because they are now “brown” supposedly - we respond differently now.

They ignore that 1) then they were legal but today we are talking about the illegals and 2) then, they didn’t suck the tit of taxpayer like the illegals do now.

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AOC is pro-immigrant. I’m truly shocked؟

Do libs do that? I seem to recall their being bigotry towards Irish and Italian immigrants back then.

The left would be having a different discussion entirely on illegal immigration if located on the southern border was either Poland or Hungary.

They look at it only as people who might vote the way they do ignoring that the reason many of these people had to flee in the first place was because of the way they voted.

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We didn’t have the welfare state back then.

Exactly. My grandfather had to work for everything. And he needed to be healthy to come in. There were laws then too and they admitted people who were good for America… not people that were looking for welfare.

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AOC continues to play the race card. I’m not shocked. This has been the strategy of the socialist revolutionary democrat party leadership for years!


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Me neither.

No such entity exists.


That is exactly what they do. But why do they play the race card when it matters not a smidgen what race, color or heritage is invading our country, if those invading are sucking our nation’s lifeblood like a tick?

Why switch the subject to the color of the tick when it overwhelms and destroys our nation’s public schools and deprives our citizens’ children of an education we have worked and paid for? Why point to race and color when those invading are overwhelming our nation’s healthcare system, taking over public housing, and making our citizen’s homeless and depriving them of what they have worked and paid for? What is the motive behind playing the race and heritage card if it is not a notoriously evil one?

And yes, there is a vast difference in the immigrants of the early 1900s. Those immigrants knocked on our door and asked for permission to enter. They did not storm the border illegally and expect American citizens to be taxed $BILLIONS to finance their economic needs. Nor were they allowed to enter our country if it was thought they would become a “public charge”.

So, again I ask, what is the motive behind those who constantly play the race and heritage card?

And how is the current Administration promoting the general welfare of the United States and HER citizens by allowing this invasion to continue, and especially when our constitution commands our federal government to “repel invasions” and promote the general welfare of the United States and HER citizens?

Indeed, how is allowing 20 thousand poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal foreigners to flood into our country each month, advancing the best interests of America’s taxpaying citizens?

Why on earth would any rational thinking person object to a “public charge” rule, especially when such a rule is not only common sense, but dates back to America’s Colonial days?

There is something very sinister taking place in our country, almost as if this Administration is inviting a Trojan horse into our country knowing full well the fatal consequences it will deliver.

The bottom line is, there is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries. So why is the Biden Administration engaging in this very act?


As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances there is a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become unwitting victims of darkness.___Supreme Court Justice William Douglas

.“No such entity exists.”


Absolutely incorrect!


When one compares the desires and actions of today’s Democrat Party Leadership, those actions match the socialist revolutionary gangsters’ actions who took over Cuba ___ gun confiscation; a one party rigged election system; a state controlled media; a government controlled public school system which indoctrinates its students; a healthcare system and public housing in which everyone suffers equally, except those who hold political power who have top of the shelf medical care and live large at the expense of Cuba’s citizens.

You bet we have a socialist revolutionary democrat party leadership, and their desires and actions prove what they are. Today’s democrat party leadership has abandoned America’s hard working middle class citizens, and is swiftly moving toward a Cuban/Venezuelan style socialist dictatorship!


Never forget that our right to keep and bear arms is specifically intended to maintain an armed citizenry capable to defend itself against a despotic government.


You are very, very wrong. That’s not what the Democratic Party or its leadership desire. You’re just regurgitating right-wing talking points that are completely divorced from reality.