Illinois Gov. OKs illegal aliens to be cops

Absolutely amazing. Now the Democrat Leadership is giving the OK for illegal aliens to be cops and arrest U.S. citizens.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreign nationals who have invaded America’s borders.

I’m wondering if there is a connection to allowing non-citizens to be cops with Obama’s desire to build a domestic national security police force loyal to the iron fist of government dictators.



I imagine many here do not recall the Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989 in which the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) decided to end a student led demonstration for democracy.

The CCP brought in a couple of divisions of the People’s Liberation Army from remote provinces to end the demonstrations for democracy, and they did so because the CCP anticipated local divisions of the army would not fire upon the protestors and could actually be supporters of the uprising.


If the Chinese Communist Party leadership promises to forgive your student loans, would you vote for a Communist Party Leadership?

What next? :roll_eyes: :man_shrugging:

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Which sheriff or municipality is going to be the first to authorize someone under DACA that has passed an FBI background check…

Yes. All those millions of military aged men Xiden has invited into the US are a resource to replace the conservatives purged from the army. They will have no compunction against enforcing the communist will of the Democrats on US citizens.


The reality is that the modern Left views citizenship as meaningless.

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No broad brush there. Nope.

Just one more way of chipping away at the uniqueness of America and America as we know it. Slow death of the greatest Nation ever.
Give it a few decades and we won’t be able to recognize our country any more.
Globalists are winning.


As I recall, this crap [hiring non-citizens as police officers] got most of its foothold under the Obama Administration’s years when he was touting his national security force:


“We often give enemies the means of our own destruction.” – Aesop.

This is the garbage election fraud gets us!

See: Pritzker defends Illinois bill that allows non-citizens to become police officers ___ Justice Story

From the article:

“HB 3751 was passed by both chambers of the General Assembly earlier this year. The bill’s language says that “individuals who are not citizens, but are legally authorized to work in the United States under federal law” will be allowed to apply for jobs with police departments beginning on Jan. 1, 2024.”

Now, keep in mind a fundamental principle of our nation’s founding recognizes and distinguishes citizens from non-citizens, as applied to a number of privileges, e.g., Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution states:

"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President . . . "

Our federal Constitution also commands that:

“No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.” Article 1, Section 2, Clause 2

And, Article 1, Section 3, Clause 3. states:

“No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen”.

And even the Constitution of the State of Illinois declares: “To be eligible to hold the office of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Comptroller or Treasurer, a person must be a United States citizen, at least 25 years old, and a resident of this State for the three years preceding his election.”

In fact, there is no state constitution which specifically declares eligibility for being governor does not require citizenship. Four or five states (as I recall) are silent on this eligibility question. But all the rest, either directly or indirectly, require citizenship to be a governor.

We also find that the privilege of voting is reserved to citizens, and the Fourteenth Amendment makes a distinction between “citizens” and “person” and forbids any state to enforce any law which abridges the “privileges and immunities” of citizens.

Seems to me Illinois law allowing non-citizens to enjoy the privilege of being a police officer with the power to police and arrest citizens of Illinois, may very well violate the Fourteenth Amendment’s text which forbids any state to enforce any law which abridges the “privileges and immunities” of citizens.

By extending the “privilege” of citizens of Illinois to be police officers to non-citizens, the case can be made that in so doing, the privilege of Illinois’ citizens to be police officers is being diluted, and thus being abridged.


“If aliens might be admitted indiscriminately to enjoy all the rights of citizens at the will of a single state, the Union might itself be endangered by an influx of foreigners, hostile to its institutions, ignorant of its powers, and incapable of a due estimate of its privileges." - ___ Justice Story


What does any of what you posted have to do with letting people with proper documentation work as police officers?

Is a citizenship requirement to be a police officer to be found anywhere in the Illinois Constitution?

And are you now claiming employment to be an inalienable right?

There’s a lot of Progressives you just made very happy… :smiley:

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We are talking about a government job being a privilege.

By extending the “privilege” of citizens of Illinois to be police officers to non-citizens, the case can be made that in so doing, the privilege of Illinois’ citizens to be police officers is being diluted, and thus being abridged.

That’s an executive order. Someone is extending alright.

That’s a federal executive order and applies only to the federal executive branch, not police departments in the state of Illinois. It does not apply to the State of Illinois at all.

That executive order also does not establish a government job as a “right” held by a citizen of this country.

“Rights” in the Constitution have a very specific meaning.

So again…where in the US or Illinois Constitution is there established that citizens have a “right” to government employment that may not be abridged?

There is a reason the 10th Amendment was left off his list. It is why the state is empowered to make such a law.

I’m more interested in this newly disclosed belief of his that a “right to work” is an inalienable right that’s protected by the Constitution.

If he truly believes that, there are socialists galore that would welcome him into their ranks!

Not if it violates the Fourteenth Amendment.

There is no “right” to federal employment. There is an inalienable right to exercise the property one has in their own labor.

I see libs have gone from hiring local people to be police for there communities to hiring people from other countries that’s not even citizens.

Silly libs…