Illegals Occupy Hotels in Massachusetts Reserved for Army-Navy Game Fans

That’s some MAGA-level denial right there.

They need food on a daily basis.

Of course we do, as many of your compatriots have stated Biden has never had a non government job. If he had hired illegals as part of his government job, it would have been noticed.

But I would love to be proven wrong if you can find any instance of him hiring illegals.

Wanna join me in promising never to vote into office anyone who ever hired illegal? As Smyrna has said, they are doing treasonous work in doing so.

If they are being hired, why are we as a nation housing, educating, and providing them with health care?


Odd tack.

Funny, this doesn’t seem to jive with this thread.

Now to be clear I don’t agree with the premise : there was a similar thread in which the OP has argued the vas majority were illegals.

But are we to believe every single migrant that comes up are not being paid to do manual labor such as construction, farming, hospitality and the likes? Every single one is jobless? That seems like a stretch and a wild change from the past talking points.

So are you saying all those born abroad are illegals? That sounds awful racist. You should check your privilege.

check again what i wrote, did you notice the whole " i disagree with the premise"?

if you were to do a quick search you would see i argued exact the opposite in his last thread =)

i always say foreigner make the best workers. its why we get all the good job and marry all the good American women.

but lets not make it about me shall we?

you did not answer the question. do you really believe that there is not a huge underground economy of sketchy people paying cash to these migrants so they do not have to pay livable wages? and should we not make sure that we not only prosecute these employers but make sure we never vote for them in office?

i mean like this guy?

I was talking about the ridiculous replies from the person I was quoting in response to some posts.

They are as stupid as the ‘well, I’ll never vote for xxx then’ in response to someone’s bad behavior on the lib side. (See ‘I won’t vote for Hunter’ response when faced with uncomfortable truths).


What does that have to do with anything? The Biden Administration was moving these guys around in the middle of the night all over the USA… I have read numbers as high as 75m people. Those busses could have headed South to Mexico easier than North. AOC sure doesnt care about cages when Brandon does it. Kamala and Brandon cant even be bothered to visit the boarder.

Brandon even sold the wall panels off for scrap and now has to purchase them all over again. This whole fiasco was a self inflicted wound trying to buy votes.

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i am not sure. its rare that you and i find common ground on a topic and this seems pretty simple and good policy

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it has everything to do with it, why would these people come here in the first place if they were not sure they had a good chance of getting employed, under the table, but still employed?

if “job creators” were not fully willing to pay these migrant bundles of taxfree cash you think there would be such an a drastic issue? i say no, i say these employers are a huge part of the problem and should be taken to task and even more i say we should not elevate any of them to any sort of public office.

why is that a controversial statement?

Because it is much, much better to be poor in the US than in Honduras or Venezuela.

Or be a criminal.


does not change they are still getting paid to do jobs at cost much much lower then what legal worker would do. no one is forcing these employers to hire them, they make the conscious business to do so. which is a huge part of the problem. a wall alone wont fix the overall issue unless you attack/prosecute that aspect and electing them should obviously be non-starter

Because our Federal, State, and Local govts are paying them to come here!

  1. Nobody has said “a wall alone” except you.
  2. You asked why would they come. I answered. Based on first hand knowledge.
  3. It is already illegal to hire them (unless Brandon Inc ignores the law), “attack it” how? Where do you feel they are working?

federal, state, and local government are gainfully employing illegals? we should stop that. lets see what are the top 3 states with illegals
California, Texas, Florida which make up about 46 percent of the illegal population…that does not seem right that the government of Texas and Florida would be paying them…

When you do that, it disrupts the flow. It’s not clever, it’s boring.

  1. the conversation always seem to center over the wall and never over the other reasons
  2. i appreciate the insights
  3. it is illegals but is it really prosecuted to the amount it should be? how many times do we see companies/groups/organization get a fine and that is it? like with gun regulation. why not enforce the law on the books. from a cost/benefit standpoint it seems, to my untrained eye, that all these people hiring illegals do not seem to perturbed with the potential consequences of paying illegals so they keep doing so.

Who said anything about hiring other than you? Our welfare here in the US is a hell of an incentive for someone struggling to make 5 dollars a day. I do not fault them for coming. If I was watching my children starve, and loosing their eyesight for childhood vitamin deficiencies, I would be right there with them. There but for the Grace of God go I. BUT, that doesnt mean we can afford them all.

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