Illegal alien gangs?

Are illegal aliens forming gangs and ctime syndicates now?

This appears to be not just one incident as other Macys snd Kohls have been hit too.

Looks like the judge lets these two go.

" … Venezuelan migrants staying in Chicago …"

Et tu, Fox?


I was wondeting about “Venezuelan migrants.”

Glad you brought that up.

One would think of mentioning illegal aliens if that is the case.

At some level I can see why FOX did what they did. At least according to their reporting, no such status of the perps was given by authorities. Imagine if these two were actually legally here, but FOX declared them as illegal aliens. Instant millionaires for the perps!!

You and I, on the other hand, have liberty to use wording that is odds-on correct.

Libs can come here and virtue signal that they know better.

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A lot of Venezuelan citizens did actually flee political repression from the Maduro government. A lot more fled for sheer economic reasons.

And now tha avalance of the One Horse Dog Face Pony Soldier open border program is letting in criminals.

They had to go through 7 other countries before migrating to the USA. Once they are out of Venezuela, they have already escaped whatever repression they were experiencing. They shouldn’t be considered “asylum” material by the USA.

But that’s on Brandon.

Still, and I’ll repeat myself, it’s odds-on in someone’s favor to assume they are illegals.



Bears repeating.

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Biden admin started buying Venezuela’s oil again.

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Who is really in charge of the Biden administration? Or should we say, the One Horse Dog Face Pony Soldier Show?

The One Horse Dog Face Pony Soldier appears to have cognative issues and has to be led around. I think it is elder abuse to let him out of his basement.

Examples of cognitive symptoms include:
Problems remembering.
Difficulty speaking.
Difficulty understanding.
Problems concentrating.

Let’s Go Brandon

Shoot a few maybe the rest will go home.

They tried that kind of thing with the Italians and Irish…maybe not shooting but def not welcomed.

They stuck around anyways

Of course it’s CHEE cago

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They who?

Just as the Chinese Communist Party imported a couple divisions of the People’s Liberation Army from remote provinces to end the Tiananmen Square demonstrations for democracy, anticipating local divisions of the army may not fire upon the student protestors, many of whom were their children, Biden and the Democrat Leadership is importing millions upon millions of other countries military aged young males, who have no reason to not fire upon American citizens when and if directed to do so in order to get and keep "benefits’ given to them by Biden and his traitorous Democrat Leadership thugs.

Forewarned is forearmed.

A large number of illegal immigrants today are single young men willing to break our immigration laws. These are not the type of people you would expect to join gangs or commit crimes.

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Maybe even join Obama’s gang:

Yep, Biden is a perfect democrat. No memory and only says what he’s told too. King of the mushrooms…

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Hunter’s Shroom Farm. Ha ha ha. Like daddy like sonny