IG Report - Let's Agree to Some Facts

actually this one:

sparked the Mueller investigation.

That one is a fact. Comey was directly responsible for the making sure a special prosecutor was appointed by releasing his memo to his proffessor friend (who we later learned was also on the payroll for the FBI). And that happened after he was fired. So that part IS a fact.

Could it also be argued that it is a fact that Trump admitting to Lester Holt that he fired Comey because of this Russia thing, is what “sparked the Mueller investigation?” Or in both cases, are these just opinions of what may have actually “sparked the Mueller investigation?” :thinking:

Or perhaps it was when Trump told the Russians the day after Comey’s firing: "I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job.

I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

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Comey has specifically stated he had his “friend” (aka co worker) release parts of the memo’s to get a special prosecutor appointed.

No, “sparked the Mueller investigation” is not a fact. You’re conflating two separate issues: the already in progress FBI investigation, and the appointment of Mueller to take over that ongoing investigation. So firing Comey didn’t “spark” an investigation.

Sure. But just because it was his hope, does not mean that is actually what was the spark for the investigation, In your opinion it may be. In my opinion it may be his interview with Lester Holt. In the opinion of @Airyaman it may be the conversation he had with Russians the day following Comey’s firing. In a thread asking for facts and not opinions, it doesn’t make much sense to allow some opinions to be presented as facts, and not others.

I didn’t see that in IG report.

Stick to the facts madam.

Why is this even being discussed in this thread anyways? Comey’s leaked memo was not mentioned in the IG report, was it?

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You need to talk to Snow first.

That is a great point.

Unprofessional is an opinion.

Protocol is a good one. Agreed.

Mishandling yes. Not espionage.


In doubt.


Agreed. Agreed.

I agree. It doesn’t exonerate anyone.

Depends. I think it pretty well dispels the myth that Comey was trying to cover for Clinton’s crimes.

Not a fact.

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I disagree. We’ll take that one off.

So you’re saying two things: you agree with me that it doesn’t exonerate Trump.

Then, you’re saying it doesn’t “exonerate anyone,” a vague, open-ended claim.

The IG report doesn’t exonerate anyone, including Trump.

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