If republicans were smart

Did you mean Democrats “Threw” …?
If you did I agree with you. Also…More Likely:

Not one Democrat will help with Jim Jordan getting the job.
And add few rhinos and “In-name-only-Republicans” there is a slim if none chance for a Freedom Cocus candidate.
Mc Carthy himself barely squized him self in.
Rhinos and scorned Republicans will join Democrats and elect Jeffries.

Well, before this vote, I would have said that there is no way any R’s would support Jeffries, but now? Maybe…

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They are never united so why start now.
Reps that is.
They are too stupid to see the big picture.

Buying what?

We can certainly do better than what we’ve been picking for Speakers.

Boehner, Paul Ryan, and McCarthy?

All way too willing to go along with the dems on most things.

Pick a conservative who is willing to play hard ball. Don’t want anything we want fine we will defund some of your precious pork projects until you do.

As for rino’s unwilling to hold the line voting then strip them of their committees.

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That’s right…is that what you were doing here?

Don’t act like a lib.

Did you support Newt? You know why repugs pushed him out. And then what did they do afterwards.

I used to like him. He seems to have lost his marbles lately.

Gone over to the Rino/Dark side.

No…repugs pushed him out because he was cutting their sugar money.

Was the Democrat position less or more than trumps spending?

Fortunately, MAGA is increasing, and RINO decreasing among the GOP. The balance will eventually tip the MAGA way in the House and Senate.

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The sugar money is much more likely on the globalist rino side. Establishment swamp creatures.

John Boehner was one of leaders that tried to overthrow Newt back around 98/99.

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So where is Gaetz now…been quiet for some time.

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The position is Speaker of the House, not MAGA Whisperer.

the house yes. the senate no. do you remember Dr Oz and walker from georgia? put up a trumpie in a purple state for the senate and they will lose.


as the MAGA way is currently limping to its bed… “ThE baLanCe WiLl evEntuAlLy TiP”

Probably chatting Trump up about that AG position…

He would be a good AG…just sucks as a politician.

Boehner was a classic establishment turd.

Loved his little crying jags too. :roll_eyes:

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