If republicans were smart

Gaetz, Trump, Jerrire, all of the òthers.

In all honesty it has to be a senior member of the majority party.

Trump and Gaetz aren’t senior members. I don’t know who the other person is.

And they’re both Irish…….

And I found that funnier than I should have. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Dem leader in the House. I apologize as I forgot his name.

Theyve already voted for chaos once, what’s one more.

Hakeem Jeffries

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Here are my quick thoughts.

We are here because the GOP self-destructed in the 2022 election cycle. They should have obtained enough of a margin, where the far-right faction would be a non-factor. Unfortunately, they have only a small majority, allowing that far-right faction to be pretty much in control.

I blame all of that on Trump.

But here we are. No respectable candidate has any chance. A candidate acceptable to the far-right faction would have no chance with the main GOP body. No mainstream conservative representative would dare run after seeing what happened to McCarthy. Dems are rightfully sitting on the sidelines loving every minute of it.

I honestly see no way forward that doesn’t result in some serious damage to our economy. A government shutdown in November, just in time for the holidays, is almost certain. IMHO


Good analysis.

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Tradition and a little class. Pelosi was sadly lacking.


Seems you must have watched your left-wing news sites showing one guest that was on fox news and concluded that all they want is trump as speaker. Because I listened to Hannity tonight and he and the guests he had on were supporting Jordan. They all said they could support either one but worried about Scalise’s health and believe that he had enough on his plate on this moment.


What’s your beef. The left does not believe in tradition anymore.


Well you voted for the serial child pervert that currently resides in the White House.

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Do you come here just to be nasty after a bad day?

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Why not you excuse every dirty deed of the democrats.


Maybe you need to post about the subject and not the poster. Seems it is a rule.

Jordon would be my 1st choice. The libs and a few rino’s are certainly stamping their feet but i look at it as a good thing replacing McCarthy with a conservative who will not forget his promises and who will not be so chummy with the woke libs and biden.

We will probably have a new speaker within a couple weeks.

You first.

Jordan would definitely be interesting. I assume he would be willing to allow the government to default unless Dems agree to a long list of demands. I could see him getting the votes.

If you are going to hold up legislation for something like that, it should be limited to,something most people support. I would suggest securing our borders.


Limiting federal spending to necessities. Build that wall. Dissolve the FBI… MAGA. Haven’t you been listening.