If NATO membership for Ukraine was a known bright red line for Russia, why did Biden promote it?

Sorry not buying it.

Reason IMO…Ben or Air can correct me that since air assets aren’t being used…it put more stress on artillery and other munitions.

Also imagine what would have happen with that Russian convoy near Kiev at start of that war if NATO air power was used.

In these simulated fights, the “red” aggressor force often obliterates U.S. stealth fighters on the runway, sends U.S. warships to the depths, destroys U.S. bases, and takes out critical U.S. military systems.

“In every case I know of, the F-35 rules the sky when it’s in the sky,” Robert Work, a former deputy secretary of defense and an experienced war-gamer, said Thursday. “But it gets killed on the ground in large numbers.”
US Getting 'Its Ass Handed To It' In Russia, China War Games, Analysts Say

Recent reports are that improved Russian electronic-warfare systems are disabling precision-guidance systems for western missiles.

On the other hand, the Ghost of Kiev could be a gamechanger that the war games did not consider. Maybe we can get Tinkerbell to spread some pixy dust as well.

Biden says that the war must end before Ukraine can be considered for NATO membership.

Translation: Washington wants war-forever. On the other hand, Russia knows it must end the Zelensky regime in order to bring peace to Ukraine and assure that NATO does not expand eastward.

Meanwhile, a State Department spokesman is having a difficult time pushing the “Ukraine-is-winning” narrative even after reminders from the lapdog media. As they say, truth will out.



Free military protection for Sweden on the backs of U.S. taxpayers, passes the sniff test of the potus


The Turkish parliament has to approve NATO membership for Sweden. It ain’t over till it’s over.

Today’s announcement provides upbeat news for the NATO summit, which is the top priority for now.

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The good news: it’s a Russian win, either way!

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All the RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIAPUTINBADMAN crowd was counting their chickens last year this time.

And now… Erdoğan says Türkiye will have to first be welcomed into the EU. :rofl:

Hey… who knows. ( it’ll be hilarious here when LGBTQ stands in the way of Türkiye joining the EU… and thus Türkiye standing in the way of Sweden. All those who think it’s irrelevant in this thread may learn something)

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Erdoğan gonna Erdoğan

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He’s too honest to be a govt. spokesman. And the press is upset he got the fake news backwards.

From wanting to end Endless wars to wanting forever wars and giant military budgets … My how the left has been changed theses last few years…

Or have they?

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If Russia still had the hammer and sickle on their flag and Lenin on their currency, Democrats would supporting massive peace demonstrations and campaigning against nuclear weapons.


France to send long range missiles to Ukraine…

Are these countries going to claim that these welfare gifts are part of their contribution to NATO?


Other than nuking it, does Russia have much leverage over France? Is Putin going to ground the French?

Certainly, a conventional military invasion—in which Russia would crush NATO, I’ve been assured—is out of the question until Russia gets a handle on Ukraine.

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Are you know saying Russia isn’t really a threat?

No, I literally don’t know what substantive leverage Russia has over France to coerce it or punish it, specifically, in this context. (Again, other than nuking it). Do you know?

Russia wasn’t ever really a threat to NATO. That’s the entire point.

Now having said that I thought Russia could take Ukraine but it seems they can’t even do that.

So what was the purpose of EU/NATO expansionism than?


I don’t know. I asked a question about Russia’s capacity to punish or coerce France regarding missiles to Ukraine. The linked article didn’t say. Do you know?

What do you mean you don’t know…don’t know the purpose of NATO expansionism or that Russia was even really a threat?

As for what Russia could do to France…not much. They never did.

So I like to ask this question again for everyone else. What was purpose for NATO expansionism.

Russian missiles armed with conventional explosives can knock out factories or command centers in France. Nukes are not required.

The likely outcome of continued escalation in NATO’s war against Russia would be a decisive defeat of NATO conventional forces on the battlefield followed by NATO nuclear first strike against Russia. If that sounds farfetched, NATO had similar battle plans during the Cold War.