I have a problem with this - Border Patrol

Yep and like every story there’s more than one side to this one.

Honestly, the whole thing sounds pretty fishy.

I have a friend/customer that works out of that office I’m tempted to call and see if he knows anything about the case but I’d hate to put him in that position.

I agree that this story is suspicious and anti-border security.

The “victim” claims her husband works for INS. Normally she would know the local agents in a town that small.

She must have a habit of speaking in Spanish in public which is rude, while not on itself against any law…Might explain why her neighbors are rude in return.

Federal lawsuit $$$ lawyers got to her.

The only harm she appears to have suffered was being questioned.

No outrage here.


And here’s another problem.

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People being rude is a problem.


Maybe you speaking in english is rude.

Could be. There is a lot of rude behavior we have not legislated out of our DNA.


I overhead this in line at the store this morning.

Mire a estos compradores malolientes de Walmart que son demasiado estúpidos para proteger su propia frontera. Los escupo.

I wonder if this is rude?


What? :laughing::smile::roll_eyes:

It’s rude because of the content of the message, not the language it’s delivered in.

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You are right. It is not the language.

It usually is in the tone and accompanying body language IF you happen to not be able to translate the content. Using another language as code in the earshot of others is a rude practice.


I guess then speaking English is rude as well because it could be “another language” for someone within your earshot.

It certainly could be.

Basically it is rude to vocalize disciminatorially in an audience where a divergence of language exists.

You should either reduce the volume so the conversation is truly private or speak in a manner that includes all who can hear. Inclusive…What a great idea.


Speaking in public is rude. Nobody wants to hear your conversation. Either keep your volume to a level where the only person that can hear you is the person you’re talking to, it may be necessary to move your body to speak directly into a persons ear, or just keep it to yourself. Given that written communication is always a possibility, there really is no reason to ever raise your voice above a whisper.

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Yeah, sorry, I’m not going to be reduced to having to whisper while standing with my co-worker at a line in a local Asian deli because some Hmong immigrant close to us may not understand what we are saying.

I’ve spent time in Israel but my Hebrew is horrible, and I wouldn’t subject people to it in public. Was I rude for speaking English? If someone is intentionally using a language you don’t know so that you can’t understand what they’re saying, I guess that can be rude in some situations. But most of the time you don’t know why people are using Spanish in your presence.

Where did this weird idea come from that people in public are entitled to hear my conversations? Mind your own business!

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Lmfao the fact you think speaking Spanish in public is rude tells me all i need to know.

Please stop.

Sure I will stop.
