I differ with the Catholic Church on

I always figured there had to be a ton of daily paperwork involved with being the Pope. :thinking:

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My motto: Never pursue the lie.

What I prefer to do instead is rather than a non-Catholic telling me about Catholicism, is for them to tell me about their beliefs. Now that is both informative and interesting. So I propose we put Catholicism aside. How about it?

Writing all those million dollar settlement checks has to take time!!!

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Sounds good. I think I already did touch on that :wink:

I disagree on the Roman Catholic church in their breaking into two of the tenth commandment against covetousness so they can drop the second commandment against idolatry.

No Commandment being broken because not an iota of idolatry is being practiced.

This is what I was talking about in a previous post about people having to make up things about Catholicism in order to criticize it.

And just when this subforum was starting to get traffic without the usual miserable atheists coming in to crap all over everyone’s beliefs. Dang it, man… :rofl:

Is that what they are doing? Aren’t they stopping by for an education that they couldn’t get in public schools? :wink:

That’s what I’m here for, anyway. Some of my fellow Christians have rejected my testimony from the times I’ve died, because my experience in the Lord’s presence didn’t interpret the same exact way as the Gospel did for them. I don’t see their beliefs as any less valid, considering their faith alone is more than adequate for salvation.

I have never been a fan of the “Faith Alone” slogan. As an example: Army Daughter parachutes, she just steps out of a plane. I have faith I can parachute–but I’ll never do it.


  1. It requires a parachute (And parachutes requires…)
  2. It requires training (And training requires…)
  3. It requires an airplane with a pilot (And an airplane requires…)


The point is we make salvation easy–and it is, and it should be. It is as easy as stepping out of a plane. However, shouldn’t we give more thought, more care, to all faith requires?

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Personally, I would compare faith more to doing a tandem jump than a regular one. I have a deep fear of heights, so I strive to fall out of an airplane once a year.

I have to have faith in my instructor. It’s not always easy, but it’s always scary.

The second coomanment - Exodus 20:4 - 6
“4Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
5Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them
: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
6And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.”

The tenth commandment - Exodus 20:17
“17Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.”

Roman Catholicism has eliminated the second and divided the renth to replace the missing second.

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Graven images referenced were idols. Think about it. What was on the Ark of the Covenant which was considered very holy indeed? That’s right. Graven images, but they were not idols. What did Moses lift up in the desert? That’s right…a graven image, but it was not an idol. It’s purpose was to draw out faith in the people.

In Catholic School we were taught not to carry a lucky rabbit’s foot or a lucky penny, because those were too close to the graven images (idols, false gods) noted in the First Commandment: I am the Lord your God. Thou shalt not have false gods before me.

As far as the ninth/tenth. Catholics believe a wife is neither goods nor property. A wife is a person in her own right–a soul (like her husband) that belongs only to God.

If people don’t wish to have carvings, artwork, photographs in their homes or places of worship, that is not a problem. What is a problem is calling/accusing carvings, artwork, photographs “idols” when clearly they are not. Not unless you care to make an accusation of “idol” at three of the graven images noted in the Bible used for most holy purposes.

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No it doesn’t.

Unless you want to do it more than once. :slight_smile:

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Grin. Or anything else, ever again!

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Graven images were not forbidden. Yes there were angels embroidered on curtains and over the mercy seat where God’s glory resided in the holy of holies. Bowing down to and serving graven images was forbidden. No faithful jew bowed down to and served the images in their temple the way catholicism bows down and serves her images.⁹

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The above is either an error or a lie. Your choice. No Catholic bows to nor serves a work of art (image).

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Well, be careful with the absolutes.

There ARE people (Catholics) who do this. It’s not what Catholicism teaches, and, in fact, Catholicism teaches the opposite. But because there are examples of this happening, it fuels the misunderstanding that “Catholicism bows down and serves her images.”

And because of it, you’re not going to change the minds of those who want to see Catholicism in this light.


"Catholic World Mission strongly emphasizes evangelistic revival and spiritual development in its core values. Our latest endeavor involves providing underprivileged parishes and communities with monstrances to foster increased devotion to the life-giving power of the Eucharist.

“The love of God and neighbor, the greatest commandment, is expressed in, and the fruit of Eucharistic worship.”
– St. John Paul II"

Ah. Find the exception to the rule and then get out the broad brush. I have not heard of this, so thank you for the heads up.