Hunter pardoned

So lying to cover up a lie that everyone already knows is a lie is not a dumb thing to lie about?


How about bidens admitted lie that he called the green new deal the inflation reduction act?

Oh yeah. It’s (d)ifferent.

I could never be a lefty. Absolutely no consistency of thought.

It has been a while. I’m still trying to get my sea legs back. :rofl:

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Yeah those were dumb things to lie about- all unforced errors that cost the Dems this election.

Just like lying about COVID was a dumb thing for Trump to lie about and cost HIM the election in 2020.

What in the world does Trump have to do with my comment??
:thinking: :thinking:

Considering I didn’t vote for him…

Swing and a miss…yet again

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Please use the search function and find a single post on this board where I claimed to either support Trump or planned on voting for him…

That is the only way your pathetic attempt at justification would apply…

You didn’t say “conservatives”, you specifically mentioned Trump.

But to be 100% clear, I call out ANY politician that lies, pretty sure I have said that on this board more than once.

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Thanks Brother!!

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No. Critprog ideology cost the dems this election.


Well there ya go … You’re just like her. :sunglasses:

But not me … I’m not a Republican and never have been. :wink:

:wink: :+1:


I didn’t see that one coming. :rofl:

Any chance you might elaborate? :slightly_smiling_face:

:point_up_2: In other words, posting like a Lib. :stuck_out_tongue:

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… A Lib used car salesman. :wink:

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I still haven’t a clue. Maybe someday you will zoom into one of those “like a lib” posts and clue me in. :astonished:

I’m kind of guessing it might have something to do with going after someone who might be conservative. Maybe that’s a no-no? :thinking:

Ya gotta give me something. :rofl:

Bear right … You’ll be okay. :wink:

I was registered as a Democrat (a product of my FDR/Labor Democrat father’s tutelage) until 1967 when Alaska instituted non-partisan voter registration. I have been non-partisan ever since. I recall one election in which I voted D for my local district State Representative, Alaska Independence Party for my State Senator, R for US Representative, and Green Party for Governor. That last one was because the guy was the only candidate being honest during the campaign and because his running mate used to buy beer for me when I was under-age. :wink:

The clue is, posting stuff that is not relevant to the post that you responded to. Typical Lib tactic.

Ahh, the polar bear Avatar. :slightly_smiling_face:

That is a behavioral trait, having nothing to do with one’s political ideology. We all do it to sometimes make a point. :wink:

And we sometimes do it to avoid answering a particularly difficult question. I’ve seen that behavior in both conservative forum members and liberal forum members.

But that does help clear up your comment. :+1: