I believe that one…those biolabs exist. What I don’t believe is that they aren’t rec’g US funding. Now think…what examples do “we” have to examine as evidence to discern the truth? Oh yeah…there was one in Wuhan too. Did the US help fund that? Was it ever denied? How about the guy behind cutting the check…did he deny it? Wake up my friend and my compliments on not being a Brandonite.
Well you’re in luck. Those labs exist(ed) and the US contributed $200M since 2005 (even during the halcyon Trump admin years).
But your Socialist newspaper lied to you about the US DOD operating them. The Ukrainians do/did.
I’m guessing Zelenski was in DC to show Joe the papers concerning what they got on him, hunter, and the big oil company they were shilling for… So fork up more Ukraine bucks, or else.
Actually, I was not familiar with the charge about investigating Hunter. I was, however, familiar with the charge by Archer and others that Burisma wanted Shokin gone for fear of being investigated. So perhaps they were right about Hunter. Cool the way they combine the investigation of Hunter along with the investigation of Burisma and toss them both out.
The GOP, the Dems, the Administration, and all of Europe wanted Shokin gone because he WASN’T invesitiating corruption at Burisma and other places.
Having Shokin removed was bad for Burisma and Archer said as much under oath.
Mr. Archer also undercut another Republican argument that the elder Mr. Biden had pressured Ukrainian officials in 2016 to fire Viktor Shokin, the former prosecutor general of Ukraine, because he was investigating the company.
On the contrary, Mr. Archer said, he heard from associates in D.C., that Burisma had Mr. Shokin “under control” and that his replacement could be more damaging to the company.
What is on the display is not money laundering. No matter how much of a hurry you might be in to make accusations against the President, it would behoove you take the time to align the charge to the evidence. Otherwise some might think you are more interested in generating smears than actual charges, which, of course, is not the case.
Sorry–not my intent. My goal was just to understand how this particular accusation would work. I saw it here a few times, and elsewhere. So I was asking a specific audience to explain it, to see if it seemed as baseless and incoherent as it looks. I think I got an answer.
“WASHINGTON — Ukrainian prosecutor-general Viktor Shokin, who was fired after then-Vice President Joe Biden threatened to pull $1 billion in US aid, was “a threat” to natural gas company Burisma Holdings, which paid Hunter Biden up to $1 million per year, the first son’s former business partner Devon Archer confirmed in an interview released Friday.
“He was a threat. He ended up seizing assets of [Burisma owner] Nikolai [Zlochevsky] — a house, some cars, a couple properties. And Nikolai actually never went back to Ukraine after Shokin seized all of his assets,” Archer told former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.
Shokin’s office won a court order to seize Zlochevsky’s property on Feb. 2, 2016, the Kyiv Post reported at the time. Shokin was fired on March 29, purportedly due to his own corruption.”
Yeah, no. The details say Burisma wanted to get rid of Shokin. And that is what’s important, whatever the EU thought and why they thought it.
But I’m sure it will be clarrified in the final report…or articles of impeachment.