Hunter Biden’s laptop is evidence in FBI money laundering investigation

Actually, I am correct.

You do understand you can access your icloud from windows don’t you? Yes it could be from a phone into account then account into laptop.

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Ok prove they didn’t use any zero evidence from computer. All you have is an article saying they used mainly from an icloud account.

LOL. Yes, I am familiar with iCloud.

2 articles.

Then you know just because it was uploaded from an apple product which they might not have into an icloud then into a laptop.

hard to say… “mostly peaceful”

That said mainly not completely

They did not use the laptop.

They got it from Apple, but Apple did not put it in the cloud themselves. It came from some computer… I wonder which one?

They used data from it that was stored in the cloud

"Prosecutors on Tuesday spent hours on Hunter Biden’s drug problem, using his own words and missives to show the depth of the addiction and to suggest it was still ongoing when he bought the gun. They showed jurors his old laptop computer, the same one he left at a Delaware repair shop and never retrieved. In 2020, the contents made their way to Republicans and were publicly leaked, revealing highly personal messages about his work and his life. He has since sued over the leaked information.

An FBI agent read aloud messages stored on his devices that chronicled a desperate effort to buy drugs. The data also included receipts for a detox facility he attended before relapsing and showed large cash withdrawals."

Hmm now what devices could they be talking about?

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Devices- sounds like there were more than one- several, maybe.


Lol you go with that.

That’s is what the news reports say. So yes, I will go with that.

Yep and since the article was about the laptop which one do you think it was referring too?

Except from what you posted they didn’t say they didn’t use it they said the info mainly came from the icloud.

and where did the data they got from the cloud originate?

The argument is specious, its akin to saying “they didn’t use the screen, they used the hard drive”!

that is what the leftist spin machine wants you to know. You have been supplied your opinion… run with it!

Ah oh looks like the word mainly means exactly that. Not completely.

“FBI agent Erika Jensen is continuing to be used as a vehicle to introduce evidence, including text messages from Hunter Biden’s laptop.”

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