Hundreds of Newspapers collude to attack Trump

I for one am shocked-shocked!-to find that the president who has broken all past precedent and constantly attacks the press as “the enemy of the people” doesn’t get positive coverage.

Oh and how he ■■■■■ up constantly not if he’s not telling somebody outrageous lie on Twitter.

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Oh yeah. Since the media worked in concert to attack Trump, he must be wrong about them working together to attack him.

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And he’s been so polite. The nerve.

That’s because he is truly a horrid person, delusional, racist, misogynistic, a pathological liar and totally unqualified to be President. He’s lucky he gets even 5%.

Dude. It’s because Trump is tweeting or saying 19 childish lies per day.


Yes… This is what the entire last 3 years have been like,lol!

But Trump looooves the uneducated - he said so!

What’s your favorite swamp accomplishment over the last 30 years…

Yeah, that’s the other side of it. If you think someone is attacking you, handing them ammunition is not a winning strategy

Well, she didn’t have the same kind of help from the Russians…

The part where we did NOT have a President who treats the job like he’s laying on his stomach on the floor playing with action figures. MILITARY PARADE YAY! SPAAAAACEEEE FOOOORRCCEEE! LETS HIRE ALL MY DUMB FRIENDS!



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I agree the coverage is almost all negative but he brings a lot of it on himself.

If he stopped tweeting, or at least tweeted like a normal adult I bet that alone would make a big difference.

So, no real complaints about Trump, just a comedy bit and a real short memory…


Lunacy of the Left. It’s the same old crap, just a different day.

This is all nonsense, just more of the “we have to respect no rules but will cry incessantly like little bitches when the other side plays real hardball too” strategy that Republicans use.

its not just the tweeting its the action and lies on every speech he gives at every rally, the general incompetence at his policies and their roll out.

someone said this a while back, cant remember who:
If its raining outside and someone is saying its raining outside and another person is saying its sunny outside the press should not quote both and give them equal weight, a journalist has to go outside and see and report appropriately. calling out the one who claimed falsely it was sunny is a natural part of the story

It’s as simple as that, but he knows he will start losing support if he did stop tweeting and spreading lies.

Oh come now This proves the fake news establishment’s collusion! Instead of cleaning up their act and start being unbiased when reporting on President Trump, the fake news establishment [Fifth Column Newspapers around the country like The New York Daily News; The New York Times; The Boston Globe; The Baltimore Sun; The Seattle Times; etc., have decided to join hands in a coordinated effort to switch the subject from their outright bias against the Trump Administration, which is the issue, to defending a free press which President Trump has never attacked.

These Fifth Column nitwits don’t even have the common sense to stop their antics when polls show the American People are fed up with their never ending assaults on the Trump Administration and refusal to cover and give praise to the Administration’s countless accomplishments.


Without a Fifth Column Media, Yellow Journalism, Hollywood, and a corrupted FBI, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, would be making license tags in a federal penitentiary

This just reminds me of a passage from my favorite author-Dashiell Hammett-that always stuck in my head: “If the Old Man said something was true it was probably so, because he was one of those cautious babies who would look out a window and say it seemed to be raining, just in case someone was dumping buckets of water off the roof.”*

  • Paraphrased. Damn you Wikiquote.