How's that Trump impeachment hearing going?

He’s a Trump clone

Cons should love him then.

Cruelty of it all, saddens me to watch a group of people being abused this way. Why do they allow themselves to stay in abusive relationship with democrat party.

It’s the cruelty.

lol that again! (insert name) has a 95% chance of winning

cruelty is what cons love.

Need to be charged. This is large scale mental abuse IMO. Scale that hasn’t been seen in over 70 years.

A bunch of hostile, abusive, gaslighting bullies who regurgitate nothing but word salad and live in the land of Make Believe! Total psychos. None of them can put together a cohesive, concise comment, line of questioning or speech, even if someone else writes it for them! And once they go off script, the House is overcome by brain farts & freezes, lol!!! What a show! I’m waiting for the next congressional member to say Guam will tip over or capsize

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Libs need to sue the democratic party for the abuse they’re had to endorse.

Your concern for libs is truly touching.

You can see the toll it’s taken on Nancy, but she brought this on herself , pale , shaking and looking for words to be put in her mouth and nothing appears so she eats her cheeks.

I have compassion…but at some point libs need to accept their responsibility and admit there is a problem.

Otherwise the mental abuse will continue. And this is just what is is…large scale abuse.

They keep getting conned by the conman in the great con.

I’ve been saying it for years. I have cousins with “Impeach Trump” battle flags. If this keeps up, I’m going to start posting pictures of dead Cheeto tigers.


As a lib I’m truly touched by your compassion. You’re so genuine.

We should all show empathy for the less fortunate among us.

I agree. It’s why I feel so bad for how pathetic Texans are.

Thank you. We really appreciate it.

Of course. We should all show empathy for the less fortunate among us.

Nancy created this situation…she’s been grooming em for longest time.

At some point libs need to accept it. They were prey upon.

Seriously…they need to snap out of it. Wake up and accept what had been done to em.

Does anyone honestly think that trump is gonna give the Senate GOPrs back their souls?