How to identify "systemic whiteness."

Somehow I don’t think “White Studies” is the counterpoint to “Black Studies”.

As is antifa.

You would be correct sir.

I think the most woke ones should go try to gentrify Baltimore or the south side of Chicago. I’m sure the locals would greet them with open arms when they show them their Biden/Harris bumper stickers.

Systemic whiteness is the phrase used by cowards to disguise cultural failings they are not willing to address. Until one stops pointing fingers and looks at the man in the mirror staring back as the root of their problems, they’ll be stuck until they do. If…there are other contributing problems, they are very small compared to the bad decisions of the ass looking back at you. You made your bed and now you’re lying in it and “the truth hurts”.

Did she say pepper jacks?

systemic whiteness?

automated packaging line for powdered donuts…

White comes in lots of colors.

Your whiteness and my whiteness are probably very different. Are people whose ancestors came to America on the Mayflower the same as people whose father and mother came to America through Ellis Island?

I hate the laziness of assuming all whites are part of a monolith of privilege.


Probably due to not being a racist.

This article explains how whiteness makes black students worse at math, but makes Asians better at math. If you can understand and accept this articles point you are probably on your way to understand systematic whiteness.

… and becoming a nitwit.

The Bee strikes again!

No, no NO! Whiteness comes in ONE color - oppression.


So some would want us to believe.

A five-day symposium on that? Was Coke a sponsor of it? That sounds like a torturous week.

Jbiden is full of whiteness.

Considering what the Woke believe “on coke” rather than sponsored by Coke seems somewhat likely.

Are the evil white men still running the companies they started, built and kept profitable? Oh noes.

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How to identify systemic whiteness? Well let’s look at the great state of Texas

How do you fight against systemic whiteness? Well you use the system to target based on race. That’s how.