How the Pandemic Defeated America

I can’t say what I really feel

That is what happens when bombarded with nonsense every day about cases of a virus that will not kill 99% of us.


Only a quarter million dead Americans but who cares about them

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I don’t care to.

It is a leading portal to nothing worth discussing.


My eldest contracted it. He fought it for four weeks. He had lingering effects for weeks after. He still gets headaches.

Bezos didn’t give a ■■■■■ and many of the Amazon workers in Baltimore, my son included, were exposed.

Because I read about early studies from Italy, Spain and China, I asked him to get a sperm count. The first results were very discouraging.

But, that’s really just what you don’t know.

What you’re endorsing isn’t just blithe ignorance. It’s human sacrifice, because [people you don’t and can’t identify] will magic-breed some replacements.

Shame, sir. Shame.


No, you just don’t have a leg to stand on and simply can’t answer

The murder, mayhem, civil unrest and divisiveness by opportunistic anarchists and the unemployed socialist Indoctrinated ideological buffoons?
Even if they remembered who Georg Floyd was, if not for the ChiCom virus would we be where we are as a nation now?

One percent of the population is three and a half million people.

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I’m so sorry to hear about your son. That is horrible my friend. I’ll be praying for you guys.


I’m sorry to hear that. I wish him a speedy and complete recovery.

There is much we have yet to learn about the longer term, often hidden at the beginning, effects of this thing. I had not heard of the reproductive issue, but cardiac effects are becoming more well known as well.

The cavalier attitude this virus is being treated sleuth is discouraging.

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You’re not serious with posting this.
Surely you’re doing a wacky bit for laughs and giggles?
Yeah…that’s it…a wacky bit.


Sorry to hear this. My healthy 30 yr old nephew contracted the virus 3 weeks ago as well. He’s doing better now but he was in really bad shape for five days. He hasn’t regained his sense of smell/taste and I’m praying he doesn’t have any permanent damage from this virus.


4 dead at Benghazi - Impeachment for all!
150000+ dead from virus - Have more babies!


Holy cow. So, all we need to do is replace all the dead…easy peasy. That’s the coldest thing I’ll read today.

170k deaths in the us.
690k deaths world wide (even though some countries might not be reporting true figures).

US only accouints for 24% of the world wide deaths.

Sorry, but the actual numbers tell a different story. It would seem many Americans are worried about Coronavirus, and they don’t trust Trump to handle it.

With five percent of the global population. Now I’m no mathematician but


Only? That seems like a weird qualifier here. We are also only 4% of the world’s population. So 24% of the global casualties is a huge number to me.

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Given the brainpower and technology within the US, we should be a nation with one of the lowest death rates. But no - with 5% of the world population, we have 24% of the world wide deaths. Those are abysmal numbers.


Yes, but we have different constitutional rules than many other countries:

Exampe: We don’t have, won’t have mass arrests and shooting of people for not staying at home as ordered.

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