I’ve recently seen a handful of blue states begin the process to try and keep Trump off the ballot. To what end, I must ask? What will it accomplish? Am I missing something? Trump has no chance to win a blue state. Whether he is or isn’t on the ballot makes not one bit of difference. What am I missing here, other than a touchy, feely kind of effort?
It actually benefits Democrats for Trump to remain on the ballot.
Other candidates are stronger general election prospects.
However, as a pure matter of constitutionality, he should not be on the ballot in ANY State.
Fact #1:
He swore this oath on January 20th, 2017: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Fact #2:
Having sworn the above oath we know, AT THE ABSOLUTE MINIMUM, that he gave aid and comfort to the insurrectionists on January 6, 2021.
He is ALREADY disqualified under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment and should not appear on the ballot in any State, nor should any write in votes with his name be counted.
Whether he appears on the ballot or not, I will not be voting for him and have a Constitutional duty not to vote for a man I know to be disqualified from holding office under the Constitution.
Instead, I will vote for a Republican candidate in the primary that actually has a chance of winning the 2024 general election.
Interestingly, if blue States did keep Trump off the ballot for the primary, it could make it impossible for him to gain enough delegates to win the nomination outright.
States like California, New York, Illinois, etc., have massive numbers of Republican convention delegates.
You are living proof that the justice system is white anted with political activists. Who has been convicted of insurrection re Let’s Go Brandon Day J6? Did you take the same stance against Kamala Harris for raising funds to bail protesters/organised insurrectionists trespassing onto federal property and trying to burn it down during the Summer of Love?
I haven’t raised a finger to defend a single Democrat.
I would be more than happy to see Trump, Hunter and Menendez share a jail cell.
I have supported the prosecution of many Democrats and Republicans over the years.
Nor am I am member of the Justice system in any capacity.
What sets January 6th apart and what makes it truly damning is that for 6 hours, they successfully overthrew the Congress of the United States. One complete branch of government rendered inoperable and that was BY DESIGN. If they hadn’t succeeded, it might of been different but they did succeed and that proves beyond a doubt that it was an insurrection by design. The insurrectionists thus are additionally domestic enemies of the republic and Trump clearly gave them aid and comfort, which is sufficient for his disqualification.
Whether he appears on the ballot or not, I will not be voting for him and have a Constitutional duty not to vote for a man I know to be disqualified from holding office under the Constitution.
Tsc…tsc…tsc…Here Iam sitting betting you of all people will vote for Trump…yet you will not…?
What was I thinking…
BTW…WHO says Trump gave aid to …what did you call them…INSURECTIONISTS?
What exactly did he SAY?
What did he DO to help them?
If he “abeted” people doing a serious crime like that and one woman got killed why hasn’t he been charged with murder?
What happened to INNOCENT till PROVEN guilty ?
Not to mention proven in a normal regular honorable and NOT IN A KANGAROO court?
Last but not least…WHAT “insurection” EVER happened without people NOT firing a gun, not yelling down with USA, not burning down the place at least, there were few broken windows and doors, so much for an uprising.
Not a single pitchfork.
So Iran yells death to America and Obama sends them wheelbarels of Billions, few hundred of unhapy voters enter Senate in protest and they are “insurectionists”
??? Hallooooo. …hallo, hallo…
All theatre or the speakers fault for not following elevated security recommendations.
It is a tried and true method of breaking up a peaceful protest by turning it violent with minimal damage and disruption…which is exactly what happened.
It clearly displays how deep and ingrained the political corruption is in our country and how desperate the establishment is to keep him out of the WH forever…by ANY MEANS NECESSARY.