How much sick liberal, woke racism is too much?

About compensating slave owners? You tell me.

Youā€™ll learn more if you do your own research. Try ā€œtakings clauseā€.

Iā€™m interested in your interpretation.

Itā€™s written in plain English.

If you donā€™t care to share your interpretation, just say so.

Just because owning another human being is abhorrent, does not change the fact that slaves were as much personal property as a piece of machinery or land under the law. The government cannot take your tractor or land without compensation (or as a penalty through due process,) should not the same Constitutional standard apply to other and all personal property?

The south seceded from america They are not due any constitutional rights.

and since slavery and the owning of humans became unconstitutional, once they refined, they are owned nothing

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The South was never not part of the Union as far as the North was concerned.

The South lost their right to compensation due to lost when they attacked a U.S military base, when is the South going to compensate the union soldiers families who died?

Yep which is why famously Lincoln refuse to accept a southern as his Vice President.

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Thatā€™s certainly one way to look at it.

??? That doesnā€™t compute with my statement.

Of course they had seceded and therefore not subject to the constitution.


Slave compensation after the war is a LOL.

You killed how many citizens and now want compensation?

Talk to the hand.


Might want to check the time-line. Also the US government is always subject to the Constitution.

Culture appropriation.

So we owe Germany and Japan for property damages incurred in world war 2.

Another lol.


Another point gone

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Somehow when you lose a point. I gain one.

You do not compensate war losers for property lost.

You are way too generous with American taxpayer money.

Not only do we have to spend money, time and human beings to win a war.

We must also compensate the losers for the property they lost during it.


If you donā€™t see it, itā€™s because you donā€™t want to see it. No use in me asking you to open your mind. Because you wonā€™t.