How might religion work as a separate branch of government?


You sure?

I didn’t think this would go well. This “fun, thoughtful” discussion can only go one way when people believe that their religion should have the last say.


Bad idea

Who would this “Religious Branch” be accountable to?


Good question. Since they have ultimate jurisdiction over the other branches, seems like there would be no earthly oversight.

The pope will take care of it

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It work in the UK mostly because the church of england has zero power.

Religion and politic never mixes well.

Religion at best can have an “Advisory” role but with no real power similar to how it work in the UK.


I am a Jeffersonian republican.

Just no to any sort of enshrined faith in government.

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That is why it should be clear that religion has ‘a’ say, not the last say. It seems to me that much in this day and age, it is the politicians, not the people, who seem to have the last say. I can envision this fourth branch as a branch that speaks for the people.

I see it more as people of God being accountable to the electorate, just as all branches ultimately should be. Off hand, I would say that the Supreme Court should be the check on the religious branch.

Grin. Who has faith in government? :wink:

I was thinking more along the lines that the majority of Americans have faith in God, yet seem to allow the government to overrule God’s ways/will. A religious branch would not be telling people how to worship, or which religion(s) is true or valid. It would simply be another voice of the people guiding government.

I have a couple questions.

Under what objective measures would we determine that the other branches of government are “playing political games” and have not simply reached an impasse?

Why should the 4th Branch be made up of “religious people”, whatever that means?

Why should we automatically assume “the religious branch” would know what “the most effective thing” to do is?

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Let’s call it an impasse, then. When Congress reaches an impasse, there is a branch that would resolve that impasse and move us along.

How do you know what God’s will is for the government?

God’s way so what if the government makes laws contrary to the biblical teachings that branch would over rule it?

Religion is a big part of people’s lives. What I envision is that if Congress knows that that if they don’t get to work and resolve what is essentially their political games and go to work resolving problems the country faces, another branch will step in with the power to start things moving. With this being the case, my hope would be that Congress would step up and do their job and knock off their political posturing.

The religious branch would not normally be making any laws as that falls within the purview of Congress. It would be after a couple of years where Congress refuses to take a stand one way or the other that the other branch might step in.

They do the political posturing because the people on their team want it.

If the people wanted effective government they would not send people like Mitch McConnell back to the Senate.

Keep in mind it is a state, not the nation that sends people to Congress. Forty-nine out of fifty states may well have voted against any Congressman, be it McConnell, Pelosi, AOC, Rubio. However, each state has a say.