How many devastating climate predictions have now been proven false?

Could be. Could also be our position in the milkyway galaxy, could also be the milkyway galaxy’s position in the universe.

Now global warming – supposedly man influencing it significantly. Next question, what influence is man having on the movement of the magnetic north pole? Has that happened before? This year the movement took a significant jump – abnormal compared to how it has been moving – was man somehow responsible for that as well?

We would have to look at other interglacial cooling trends to see if there were sudden spiked back upward. If there were, then yes this is normal. If not, then no it’s not normal. But as you said, we have no reliable data to figure out ~IF~ this is normal or not.

Why not look at the record from this interglacial? Do you see any massive spikes in the record? Of course not. It’s not normal.

You don’t get it. This is being called unpreceddented and not normal. The ONLY way to find out if it is normal is to compare to the preceeding 8 defined inter-glacial periods. Is it normal compared to those or is it abnormal.

Then if you look at the graph, at 600k years ago, suddenly interglacial periods were significantly warmer. Do we know what caused that to happen? Is this another of the suddenly they are warmer cycles?

If some of you are trying to tease a professional interpretation from some data or graph regarding paleoclimate reconstruction, I don’t think you will arrive at a valid conclusion one way or another by looking up some stuff on the internet. My suggestion is to locate your nearest college or university, check out the department of geology, find out what certain professional scientists are up to, send them an email, or make an appointment as an interested citizen.

But that wouldn’t near as much fun!

Spot the logical flaw:

P Man wasn’t around in past warming periods

C Therefore all warming has a non-man-made cause.

You are assuming people are interested in truly testing their own beliefs.

No, comparing apples to apples on previous warming periods would show what effect man has on it. My theory is not much. Others the theory is we are all going to die because of it.

We don’t have to do an apples to apples comparison of the previous periods.

We simply have to undertsand the driving factors behind the warming periods in question and use that to build a model as to what would happen.

Past results are a poor guide to future performance.

If you compare the current interglacial to previous ones, you’d be expecting us to be cooling by now.

So I looked up the faculty at the Department of Geosciences at the same university where I earned my doctorate. I easily found 3 professors that had expertise in related fields: (1) Glaciololgy and Glacial Geology, (2) Paleoclimatology, Sedimentary Geochemistry, and Stratigraphy, (3) Paleoclimatology and Glacial Geology.

They had little thumbnail portraits of themselves. Nice smiles, seem approachable.

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Well, to be fair, man was here during some previous interglacials. Who says “we are all going to die because of it?”

Sure you do if you are trying to figure out if what is happening NOW is normal. Remember your only saying abynormal for a 10k year period in a million years. that’s what .001% of historic values?

So do we know the driving factors of the warming in previous periods? How about the increase in Temp in the interglacial periods starting at 600K? Without knowthing that, you can’t build a model that is reliable.

Sure it is. So we should expect no glacial period stometime in the future?

How so? what was the number of years of warming in the last one? How about the one before that, or the next before? What is the average number of warming years of all of them compared to now?

Orbital forcing is a pretty well studied phenomenon that really just requires understanding the basic physics of planetary bodies. And it’s role in Earth’s climate is fairly well established.

If you have a physics-based theory on some effect on the magnetic pole movement then go ahead and study it. But the relation between CO2 concentrations and temperature is a pretty old area of physics (19th century).

Do we know what effect moving through the universe has? Milky way galaxy moves, and as it moves earth moves into different “space”.

Yes. We do.

After just a few clicks, we come upon this. It is fun, if a popularized version of more technical pieces. You won’t like the brief comment regarding contemporary climate change. You can find fun stuff everywhere.

Even if we didn’t (which we do), why would we go after esoteric mechanisms when more well-understood mundane ones work just fine?

It’s almost like you’re looking for reasons to reject well-understood models.

So in the last 100 to 200 years we have been in a complete circle around the center of the milky way, and into the same spaces in the Universe? How do we know this?